Native Korean Numbers

221 7 6

하나 - one
둘 - two
셋 - three
넷 - four
다섯 - five
여섯 - six
일곱 - seven
여덟 - eight
아홉 - nine
열 - ten

열하나 - 11
열둘 - 12
열셋 - 13
열넷  - 14
And so on

둘열다섯 is wrong. There is a word for 둘열 and that is 스물. Its like twenty,  thirty, fourty etc of english.

20 - 스물 [seu-mul]
30 - 서른 [seo-reun]
40 - 마흔 [ma-heun]
50 - 쉰 [swin]
60 - 예순 [ye-sun]
70 - 일흔 [ir-heun]
80 - 여든 [yeo-deun]
90 - 아흔 [a-heun]

So 스물하나 = 21
서른셋 = 33
마흔넷 = 44
And so on

Remember not to write 100 = 하나백, 1000 = 하나천, 10,000 = 하나만. Don't write 하나 with it. The word 십, 백, 천, 만 are enough alone.

And yes 백, 천 and 만 are common for both systems BUT there is no 둘, 셋, 넷 or any before a 백/천/만 to show 200, 3000, 40000- nope

Always write a sino korean number before the 백/천/만.

삼백 = 300
이백다섯 = 205
사만여덟 = 40,008
육만오백스물한 = 60,521

Lmaoooo its so hard- kill me

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