Hangeul (1)

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ㅏ aa ㅑ yaa

ㅓ eo ㅕ yeo

ㅜ uu ㅠ yuu

ㅗ oo ㅛ yoo

ㅣ eee ㅡ eu

ㅔ e ㅖ ye

ㅐae ㅒ yae

Tbh ㅔ and ㅐ almost sound alike- don't think too much about them.

Double vowels:
ㅘ oa almost like wa
ㅝ ueo almost like weo
ㅚ oi almost like wi
ㅞ ue almost like we
ㅙ oae almost like wae
ㅟ ui almost like wi (similar to ㅚ)
ㅢ eui almost like ay

You would need to learn the right pronunciation from youtube. Or you can chose to ignore it for now (the way I did lol) This book should be called "Bad Influence 101" instead.

P.S visit the second last page of this book "My story + other resources" to see the hangeul chart I used while learning.

That's it for today, 안녕♡

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