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                     *Astraea's pov*

The silence that surrounded Giovanni and I was deafening. He just waited till I spoke of the horrors that I had to endure as a child.

I looked at the clock and saw it was 5:00 in the morning. The worst part about this was my first day of school was today. Of course with my luck this happened on the day I meet new people which just makes me more anxious.

"Astraea, princessa, your brothers and I have been cold towards you. It's really hard to see you they way you are cold and Lifeless. I know you weren't the same when walking in the door. J just hoped to warm up to each other. Yet in doing so I pushed you farther away like the dummy that I am, but I do love you and care about you. No matter what your still my sister and I would never judge you. I just want to help you."

At the very end of his speech that nearly had me in tears, I looked up at Gio to see tears rolling down from his eyes.

"Look I want to tell you and I'm going to but I need to know I can trust you. That I can tell you things as a little sister and that you won't look at me different and leave like everyone else in my life. I want all of you to tell me this and mean it. I mean all of you including the ones listening through the doors" I sniffle and laugh at the same time at the end of my sentence.

Giovanni looks surprised and shocked at the fact that I knew they were listening and the fact that they were listening in general.

Gio and I roll our eyes when nobody comes in. So I jump up and open the door and all my brothers come toppling in.

"Maybe y'all need to brush up on your spying skills" "heyyyy I'm the best spy in the world" I giggle at jax and his cuteness.

"Ok though I do love the bonding happening, we need to focus." Mood killer Luca will always be here to save the day, *insert I roll*.

"Alright I'm warning you now that my life story isn't the best so buckle up, get comfortable, and let's get the shit show on the road."

The all gave me pointed looks on my language but they let me continue.

"So I don't really have any memories regarding the life I lived hear sadly, but I do however have Memories of Mom and my stepdad, if you could call the bastard that. The first couple years when I was around 5-10 it wasn't so bad. My mom and him were druggies but they didn't over do it and they were rich druggies living in luxury. Sadly though my stepdad was very misogynistic and said females where only for cleaning and cooking. He said they should be taught young. So that's what they made me do. I cooked and clean and went to school. That was my routine. My mom didn't care, she only cared for money and being his toy. There relationship wasn't love our something that could be anywhere considered that. We never really interacted they stayed with doing there business and making money and I learned how to take care of myself and grow up. Sadly I guess the universe wanted me to grow up even faster. When mom died of a drug overdose it was the start of hell. I guess he felt some way towards my mom and kept up this act for her around me. As soon as she died everything got worse. He started to really push me I was only eleven. He started making me do everything and anything an eleven year old shouldn't be doing I cleaned, helped out with there business, and much more."

I was crying at this point.

"At some point I think the stress with having a kid, dead wife, and running a business got to him. The first time he hit me, was on my twelfth birthday. I asked him what we were doing for my birthday he just shook me off. Of course I didn't get the hint and didn't see he had now turned to alcohol to cope. He snapped at me and for the first time slapped me. The worst part was he didn't even flinch it was like something switched and there was this glint his eyes that stayed there till he died. I was abused everyday since then. I have scares and trauma from that place and him" I decided not to mention the depression, it was for the best, maybe one day though. This story was hard enough to say.

I finally looked up from fidgeting with my fingers, a habit I have acquired over the years.

All my brothers reactions where the same in a kind of way. Jax was sobbing, Xavier punch a wall, Gio had glazed over eyes with so many things swirling in his ocean like eyes, Luca looked pained, Angelo had red swollen eyes and Callum had anger and pain in his eyes. Emiliano looked like someone stepped on his dog.

Then when Gio spoke next I knew he said the million dollar question.

"Did he ever... um... t-touch you" he looked at me with some much sadness it was overwhelming.

I didn't answer.

"Astraea please. Answer him" it was Angelo who spoke, surprisingly.


And then all hell broke loose.

Xavier punched my other wall and then left my room. Luca and Callum both left my room looking ready to kill. Then the remaining brothers looked to be in their own world.

"Did I do something wrong"

You just told them everything give them some time.

Their not mad are they?

No, just sad they couldn't protect you bubs.


"No of course not Astraea there just mad they couldn't be there and protect you, we are too just don't express it like they do" I smiled at Angelo.

The rest of my brothers all seem to snap out of there pain filled mindset and agree.

"GROUP HUGGG" they all groan as Jax brings us all in for a hug. I feel comfortable with them and glad we talked about this.

I jump as I look at the alarm clock it's 6:30 and realize I have to get ready for my first day of school.

"You don't have to go to school today baby, you could take a mental health day"

"Thanks Emmy but I think I want to make my special entrance at school. I think I'm ready to let them know that the Ferrari sister is back." Period.

"Okay... we will let you get ready for your special entrance. Also it is a private school owned by us there is a dress code and uniform." booooo that sucks.

I guess we will just have to find a way to work this uniform.

Let's hope today will be a good day at hell- oops I mean school.

Hello my loves how are y'all today?

I hope all is way and y'all are having an amazing past few days. Sorry about leaving y'all on a cliffhanger on the last chapter, jk I'm not sorry.

Anywhore please vote and follow me to get announcements. Another thing is COMMENT👏🏼please I love reading comments

Xoxo- author 🥳👏🏼

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