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Now let's get two things straight, first I hate violence

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Now let's get two things straight, first I hate violence. Why would I result to something that broke me inside and out. Violence results to chaos and sometimes chaos is amazing sometimes it's not. Second thing is I will argue with you but if you push my buttons I won't hesitate to slap you.

So the second after the bitch decided to say something I stood up. Now with a glare on my face I slowly walked over to her. No one tried to stop because well I'm a pretty scary person when I'm upset.

As you could hear my heels slowly clicking over towards the person that will be on the receiving end of my Wrath and with that the tension grew.

As I stopped in front of her chair you could see she was shaking. She and the others have witnessed me first hand beat someone to where they had to go to the hospital.

So I picked her up by her hair, you could here her whimpers get louder every time I tugged her hair.

Surprisingly no one has stopped me which is weird but I didn't pay to much attention to any besides the little puta in-front of me.

So I stood her up "say it again" "what" "say it again" I said slower this time in hopes she understood. 

"W-why" "because I said so, I'm such a sad and useless little girl that will cry to her friends well why don't you say it again. Since your so big and bad"

She looked at me with tears in her eyes " your a sad little girl that will turn out to be just like her parents, a monster"

If you thought I was scary before well now she's really done it.

Next thing I know I'm being pulled off by somebody and I look at the floor and realize she's already  unconscious.

Her parents that once were like parents to me look at me dead in the eye and say "your a Monster"

That sentence just brings me back to all those memories. I'm a strong person on the outside but my world feels as though it's crumbling on the inside I don't know how long till this all goes always. I just can't take it.

My breathing gets heavy and rugged. Flashbacks are so scary and vivid and it feels like I'm reliving it

I just got done making dinner when I hear the door open. I look and I see it's Nolan, he doesn't look happy.

"Where's my diner slut" "right here sir" "good little bitch" as I go to run upstairs I get pulled back by a strong arm.

"Tsk tsk I'm not finished talking" he looks at me with an unknown emotion that my 9 year old self can't recognize. Mommy isn't home because she's at work.

"Come here like a good little bitch" I don't want him to get mad so I go over there. He grabs my legs and carries me to the couch. He pulls out a knife and next thing I know my back has the word monster at the bottom in little letters.

"Your dad's a monster so you are too"

End of flashback

I'm broken out of my thought as I run upstairs and too the bathroom. As I look at myself in the mirror I think of the irony, I used to recognize myself it's funny how reflections change.

I'm becoming someone else and it's time to walk away because that little girl has been gone since the day I turned ten years old.

I can barely hold in my throw up as I dive back into more of my memories.

So instead I strip and take a shower trying to wash away the disgust I have for myself.

As I take more pain medicine for my ribs and lay down I contemplate my life and choices.

I mean who would want me I'm a screw up. A nobody, I couldn't even keep my cool against someone I trusted enough with my secrets. I can't seem to find real People in my life. I'm a such a monster real people don't stick around to find what I'm truly like.

Then I think back to after the fight I hadn't even realize the person to pull me away was Xavier and everyone but my brothers went to check up on katina.

Maybe my brothers care but after today I doubt they do since I messed up the deal with the Russian family. I don't know about the rest.

But one things for sure i don't know if I need to be run over by a car or a truck but I do know when I wake up there will be hell to pay

And I'll be the one to pay it...

Authors note 📝
I know it's a bit shorter but I didn't want to leave off with a cliff hanger.

I do take some suggestions so anything y'all would like me to add to the plot

Btw new characters will be coming in that will stay!🥳

The old friend group will only be background characters for future reference 😉

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