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I turn around and find it's just Jax looking at me like I'm crazy because I was talking to myself. Oh well, he better get used to it, I do it all the time. It's not like I'm crazy or anything, right?

"Are you ok over there, you zoned out and started mumbling" I just blink at him.

"Actually no I think I'm possessed" I start twitching. Jax face is hilarious and I try not to laugh.

"Omg omg, I'll catch you later" he whispers the first part and then starts running down the hall.

As soon as he turns the corner I bust out laughing. I stop laughing though when I hear my name being whispered by the sea of people that are walking towards second period.

"Is that the new girl"

"I heard she's related to the Ferrari brothers"

"She's already talking to the Elite"

"How come she gets the two most popular groups to notice her"

I roll my eyes, welcome to high school.


It's now the end of fourth period and I'm about to head to lunch.  Surprisingly I haven't seen my brothers or those guys from earlier but everyone seems to call them "The Elite". Sound like cult to me.

As I'm almost to the lunch room someone grabs my arm, out of reflex I punch them. I turn around to see the person standing there with steam coming out of their ears

"Shit" Xavier. 2/3 of the triplets, right in the face and one more to go.




Ok ok sorry.

That's when I finally decide I should book it. I start running towards the cafeteria and hear Xavier screaming profanities at me.

We dodge the sea of people, me laughing at Xaviers choice of words and Xavier screaming.

Surprisingly in the way the rest of my brothers catch up with us. Jax running alongside me, Callum and Angelo fast walking behind us.

As we approach the cafeteria and run inside Jax trips over his shoelace and falls. Of course having to bring me down with him.

As I start trying to get up again I feel a muscular arms wrapping me into their chest. Fuck I'm caught.

"Where do you think your going"

"Lunch. Where else." He rolls his eyes at my statement.

"Look I'll let you off the hook for this one because it was a good reflex, but it you ever touch my precious face agai-"

"You will pummel me too the ground, got it" he lets go of me after taking a few seconds to calm himself down.

"Heyyyy I'm still here guys, someone help me?" Awww Jax and his puppy dog face.

"no" "fine" Xavier and I say it at the same time. So before another argument I pick Jax off the floor. Out of nowhere the other two decide to pop up.

"Are y'all done" so they speak.

"Yeah, let's go eat" I'm starvinggggg

As I push the doors open the entire cafeteria goes quiet. Weird. I seriously think this place is like a cult or something.

As we walk in all the girls and guys are drooling at my brothers and I. Before we can step foot into the cafeteria Xavier opens his mouth.




I speed walk to the line to save myself from embarrassment. I mean I love the overprotective brother thing to a limit and this is a wee bit embarrassing.

"Well that was quite a show wasn't it" I look up to see Phoenix and the rest of them looking at me.

"Yeah I guess" I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder and feel the sudden presence of my brothers. Yay.

"Well well well what do we have here" what does it look like is going on here? Well if you must know we were in a gang meeting.

"Ferrari's" "The Elite" wtf is going on.

They all nod in what seems like mutual respect. I'm seriously starting to get freaked out.

"All right guys you wanna move over just wee bit" they all stare at me, what?

"You look a little sad are you ok"

"I'm not sad I'm FREAKING hungry" well I am depressed but I just want food.

"She's mean and scary" I roll my eyes at Jax's words. Then I realize the boys have been staring at my brothers and I the whole time.

"Move it."

"What's the magic word your highness" Phoenix is getting so close to me punching him in the balls.

"Move before you get hit in places you don't wanna be hit." I look at him with an innocent look.

"I agree with your brother now" I roll my eyes as they finally move.

As I get my lunch which is a chicken sandwich, and I go to find a lunch table I realize I don't know where to sit. Well of course till I remember I have to sit with my brothers. Which I'm going to guess there table is the big one in the center.

"Let's go Astraea, or are you just going to stand there"

"I'm assuming it's the big one in the middle"

"You assumed right sorellina" not the nickname.
(Little sister- in Italian)

As we walk over to our table and sit down I see the other guys sit down as well. Oh great this is the popular table.

I feel eyes on me and realize that girl from earlier is staring at me. What was her name McDonald's, chihuahua, Barbie? Eh I don't remember.

She's waking over to me slowly which makes me suspicious of her. My brothers are looking at her in suspicion and also look slightly afraid for her safety.

"What do you want"

"I just wanted to let you know whose boss, I don't give a single frick whose your brothers or if your friends with the elites. You'll always be trash"

Next thing I know there's a milkshake being through on me. I gasp, aswell as the rest of the cafeteria, and stand up. She's smirking at me. Oh bitch I'm about to wipe that smirk off your fucking face.

I wipe some of the milkshake off my face. Then I turn to her and smile. Her smirk falters a little bit but stays in tact.

I start to laugh and then my laugh disappears as fast as it came and is replaced with my normal blank face smirk. That's when she knew she fucked up.

She starts to walk away but I grab her hair, she squeals as she feels her hair being pulled. I grab her face and slam it into my knee.

"You better remember this for the next time you think about trying me"

Then I punch her and knock the bitch out.


Hiii my loves ❤️

How are y'all?

⚠️I updated the cast list so please check it out and comment on what you think 🤔 ⚠️

I'm sorry I was gone for so long it's just I needed a mental health break. Hope y'all understand.

but all is well my loves 🥳

QOTD: what's your aesthetic?
-Mines a mixture of classy and dark academia!

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