𝐄 𝐢 𝐠 𝐡 𝐭 𝐞 𝐞 𝐧

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It's been a couple days since Luca and Xavier where released from the hospital and I am currently sitting in my free period. Their is only one person that I know in this room and that is Quinn.

Although the other three boys seem to be very outgoing and outspoken, Quinn seems to be introverted and keeps to himself most of the time. We haven't had one conversation with each other no matter how many times I'm around his group. Although I could care less, it intrigues me, for some reason.

He seems to be bothered by my presence, like he strongly dislikes me. On the first day of school I went to my fifth period, my free period, and was told I had to sit next to Quinn. To me that's no big deal, but Quinn just huffed and moved his books. I guess you could say he's not fond of me.

Which leads me to right now, sitting next to him doing my homework, him reading a book.

As I flip the next page of my textbook, Quinn huffs and rolls his eyes. Weird.

I'm so tired of homework, it's honestly bullshit and I've only gone to this school for two weeks.

I bang my head on the table already over this even though I just started, when Quinn once again decided to let his presence be known.

"Ok seriously if you keep huffing and rolling your eyes I will throw you off your chair. I mean what even is your problem?"


"Hello?" Ok seriously, people need to stop trying to ghost me in real life!

"Shut up"

"Your the one over here acting like a child huffing and fucking puffing! I mean are you okay? Are you having like a bad day or some shit?" I mean it could be me, but I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

"I don't like you, and your being really loud" ok cue the eye rolls again.

"What did I ever do to you?"

He smiled sarcastically at me and said "By just being you" rude much?

"Look, I didn't do shit to you, and if you wanna throw a temper tantrum than do it some where else" god what a dick!

"Your interrupting my reading go away"

"This is my assigned seat cabron " I deadpan.


"Okay then..."

Frustrated I get from my seat and I ask for a hallway pass. I go to my locker and pull out my brand new copy of "The way I used to be". I got this copy a while ago but never had the chance to read it. (A/N such an amazing book, I sobbed)

Before I get the chance to close my locker someone slams it for me and I'm pinned up against the locker.

I look into Quinn's scrutinizing gaze, trying to get out from under him. Although I don't mind, I mean who would?

"Look, I don't like you, not even one bit. Stay away from me. Your family ruined my life and I don't need you to do the same. I don't care if my friends have this mutual respect for your brothers. I. Don't. Want. You. Near. Me." Each word was harsher than the last.

I roll my eyes "I'm not my family, nor do I understand how you can judge someone based on who their related to" but be my guest.

"Your only trouble"

"Am I? Or are you basing who you think I am based on the people I share blood with?"

He looks me in the eye

"Just, stay away"


"Okay?" Obviously, I'm not going to crawl on my knees for your attention.

"Yeah, okay. If you seriously don't want me to bother you then I won't"

He loosens his hold on me a little. A smirk on his face.


I roll my eyes and watch his back as he leaves me in the middle of a deserted hallway.

"It's always the quiet ones" I stand there for a few more minutes until I decide to go back to class.

As I read I decide that I really hate this period. As soon as the bell rings I'm out of my seat faster than I've ever gotten out of my seat.

I can't wait to go home like it's not even funny and I'm wondering how people can actually get excited about school, like are you okay, mentally I mean?

I head towards sixth period excited that it's my second to last period. I'm also excited because there's this really nice guy in my class. His name is Kaz and he's a really great Drummer. We are actually partnered for the new project, we have to perform something that means something to us, which I'm really excited about.

We decided on Alive by Sia, which by the way is one of my favorite songs, and it honestly describes my life.

"Morning Kaz!" He looks at me strangely

"It's the afternoon" I just shrug and get all my materials out for today. I look over at him

"You excited to practice?" "Yeah, but I'm also really tired"

"Me too, schools exhausting"

"Alright let's get started"

"FUCK YOU" "GO FUCK YOURSELF" is all I hear from my room before a big crash sounds from downstairs.

"Fucking idiots" I mumble under my breath. Will I have one normal day here? No? Okay. I run downstairs to see Emiliano on top of Jax.

"Y'all good?"

They both grunt "fine"

"Okayyyy, anyways... I'm hungry!"

"Then eat?" I roll my eyes "don't be sarcastic with me  young man!"

"I'm older than you"

"Anddddddddd?" He sighs "never mind"

I walk into the kitchen and look for something to eat. Then I spot the best thing ever, spicy ramen, I'm in love with ramen, well that and fictional characters that will never love me back.

"So I heard that you got into an argument with Quinn today" uh oh here comes Emiliano with the big brother shit...wait...he's not in high school. DUN DUN DUNN. Anyways.

"Maybe,  maybe not, either way, none of your business"

"Maybe, but just stay away from him, he still is mad about what happened." Then he walks away.

I look at Jax with a raised eyebrow and he just stares at me and leaves.





Authors note—

Well hello my beautiful readers!

Have I been gone for two months? Maybe

Am I mentally unstable? Also Maybe

Will I tell you why I left with no explanation? Yes-


QOTD: what is your favorite book, not Wattpad book  though, like actually book? Mines "Harry Potter" or "the way I used to be"

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