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Getting a milkshake dumped on my head on the first day of school was but what I had in mind, yet neither was practically sending someone to the hospital either

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Getting a milkshake dumped on my head on the first day of school was but what I had in mind, yet neither was practically sending someone to the hospital either. I mean can you blame me though?

As I sit in the dead silent office with my all brothers, the elite, and chihuahua's family, I'm sure your wondering how the elite got involved and how we ended up here.

Well let's go back thirty minutes...

Thirty minutes earlier-

I knock whatever her name is on the floor and start beating the shit out of her. Do I have anger issues, probably.   I mean where did she even get a milkshake.

She try's to get the upper hand but she can barely even move a finger before I pin her down again. I mean is she even trying.

A crowd forms around us and I feel people trying to get me off of her. I'm assuming my brothers, but then I here two voices screaming me on.

Of course it's the only two people who would, Jax and Ambrose.




Eventually I'm being pulled off by Xavier and Angelo while people are helping chihuahua up. I'm honestly convinced it's her name by now.

The principal suddenly appears and motions us with a bored face to come with him.

"All of you including you four to my office" I roll my eyes and start walking to the office.

*end of time travel"

And that my friends is how I ended being drenched in a milkshake with bruised sitting in office with angry and almost proud looking brothers, the four gods one with a smirk the others annoyed looking, and chupacabra's family.

It's dead silent and the only that can be hear is the principles heavy breathing. Well that's until I break the silence.

"So are we just going to have a staring contest with each other or-" I don't get to finish when Xavier puts a hand over my mouth. I look over annoyed but he just has a stupid smirk on his face.

Gio looks at me sharply and I just sink in my chair.

"Right so, as the principal of this school I have to do what's best for everyone and I think that an apology is called fo-"

"An apology, no I'm suing, my daughter just got surgery on her face done and you messed it up" she isn't serious is she....

Half of the room busted out laughing, including me, her face turned beat red and Mackenzies did as well.

"Mommmm" "what I payed like fifty thousands for your face" holy sh-

"Um...anyways like I said an apology will do, especially since we should all over look this because your daughter did start it first"

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