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And that's what you missed on glee!


I felt myself being picked up by someone and wrapped around them. I can't really tell who it is since the gunshot has me in some sort of daze. My ears are ringing and I'm a little dizzy from being rushed around.

"Wh...what's going on"

"Shhh we gotta go"

I look up from the persons shoulder just as we are leaving the movie room and see two of my brothers on the floor, the masked men are just breaking things. One looks me dead in the eyes and just stares. He doesn't stare for long as my other brothers are already taking them down.

"Xavier and Luca, why are they on the floor"

"Astraea keep your head down, they will be fine" will they?

As the person and I are running through the halls, more like they are since I'm hanging on to them like a koala, more gunshots ring throughout my home. In all, I hope that my brothers are doing ok, because I can't lose anymore people. Not them, my only family left. They may not have welcomed me, or even gave me a reason to trust them, I just don't know what I would do without them. I may not trust them but I couldn't lose them.

We make our way to the forbidden area and go into a room that is like a safe room from a movie. Next thing I know I'm sitting down and looking into the eyes of Calum, who looks exhausted and tired.

"What's going on, are they going to be ok, why were Xavier and Luca on the floor, why is this happening, I-" I start hyperventilating. I can't breath this is all to much. No, no your fine push it all down where it belongs Astraea. Your getting attached, to attached.

"Hey, hey look at me-" he grabs my head "your ok, we're all going to be ok I promise once this is all over everything will go back to normal."

"Will it? You haven't  answered my question why is this happening? I know the older brothers don't just run a national business, that's bullshit and we all know it. Are they involved in illegal things" " No of course not that's dangerous" cue the eye rolls!

Even though I've been here for only a month or so I can tell when there lying. Calum has this little tell, his eyebrow lifts up a little and he tilts his head. That's exactly what he did after telling that little white lie.

"I know your lying!"

"I am not lying"

I raise an eyebrow at him

"Fine since you won't answer the question we all know the answer to, tell me this did Luca and Xavier get shot?"

"Yes-" his phone pinged and he looked down to see what whoever texted him texted.

"There being rushed to the hospital, but we can't leave till the somebody gets us"

"Did he say what there condition was like" assuming it was one of my brothers who told him.

"They didn't say much besides being in critical condition" I sigh, you can only take so many losses in your life before your break, and I can't lose them. I bring my knees up to my chest and let Calum wrap his arms around my shoulder knowing that I'm not the only one on the verge of losing people I care about.

"It's crazy, I mean how many funerals can you attend before your turn 16, I have watched every single person I love, leave or die. I'm sure you all have had your fair share of loses too. But I mean really? I think I've been punished enough for whatever I've done" I giggled at the end, I don't know why but I did.

I look over at Calum who's on the verge of crying and start laughing.

"I..I'm sorry... i can't stop" he starts laughing with me and by the end of it we're both in tears.

Yet the moment ended when someone starts banging on the door. Calum grabs me and tells me to hide behind him. The door open and I see Jax is on the other end.

"Oh thank god" I run and jump on him, out of all my brothers I don't think I could bare losing the only sunshine in our lives.

Sadly enough, I can see that the light in his once very bright eyes have dulled and I can only imagine what he saw out there.

"I'm so glad your ok"

"Me too

"Me three"


"AHHHHHH" I whirl around and come face to face with Bertrum.

"Hello young Ferraris, I'm glad your all ok! Master Giovanni has instructed me to come get you and bring you to the hospital."

"We seriously need a bell on him" we all agree with Jax, while Bertrum just looks at us.

"Chop chop children"

" we're goinggggggg"

"Do not sass me Jax " then he slaps him upside the head.

"Uh are y'all just gonna let him do that to me?"

"Do what Jax?"

"Your delusional"

"How did you not see that , he-" I drown him out because with his constant talking is just making me have a headache.

"Please be quiet, I can't even hear myself losing the will to live."

All three men turn to look at me with worried yet questioning glances. I just shrug my shoulders.

"Can you not be so dark for once"

"It's my personality"

I still don't understand why we were walking to the hospital when we live in an secluded area.

We arrive at an abandon building and I look at the three men questionably, but when I look there only two people there.

"Are you kidding me? Where did he go?" They both just shrug there shoulders.

"Seriously? Ughhhh" I'm guessing inside is there secret hospital so I walk ahead of my older brothers and leave them looking dumbfounded.

"Where are you going-"

"Hell, most likely"

I walk in and surprise surprise it's a really lovely looking front entrance. I walk up and ask the front desk lady where the hospital is.

"Why do you need to know little girl?" Ok another girl who doesn't like me even though we just met yayyyyyy.

"Listen I don't need the attitude right now I'm trying to find my brothers who entered here thirty minutes or so ago. Can you help me or not?"

"Wait... your the F...Ferraris sister?" By the end she was shaking. Okayyyyy then lady don't piss your pants.

"Yes can you tell me know?"

"Y-yes down the hall and to your left room 145"


I rush down the hall in search for room 145 and finally reach my destination.

I knock on the door and-



Another cliffhanger 😼 wohoooooo

Gotchaaaaaa bahahahahha

Anywhore time for the QOTD

QOTD: what type of things would you like to see more off, any plots or special chapters?


It's @jahairraa
Two R and Two A

Also I need a new updating schedule since this one sucks because I do it on my own time.

So maybe once a week?

Something like that 😭

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