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An annoying alarm clock woke me out of my 3hr slumber. I don't usually get a lot of sleep especially since I sleep on the floor in my stepdad and moms attic.

It gets really cold at night but I can't do much about it.

As I get ready and go downstairs I look at the clock and realize sir will be up in five minutes.


I cook as fast I can eggs and bacon. I can't believe I forgot, how did I even forget.

I hear heavy footsteps and realize I just got a one way ticket to hell. Well there goes my hope for having a good first day of 7th grade.

"Well we'll well look what we have here, no breakfast, but little miss Astraea has gotten ready for her first day of school. How cute".

He grabbed my braided and twirled it around his finger. I'm shaking as of now. Not knowing what's to come.

"Well since you wanna be dressed all pretty for your school day, let's make you even prettier by giving you a makeover" he pulls my hair and I start screaming.

So it began.

I tried to stop him but I couldn't be just kept beating me and I kept screaming.

Someone in the background was yelling my name.

"Wake up"
"It's not real"

I'm being tied down I can't get up

I start thrashing someone is shaking me and there's yelling all around me."wake up" a voice said.

Then I finally woke up...

Surrounded by my brothers that were all looking at me but one in particular was looking at my shirt that had ridden up in the process.

"Guys. Look" oh shit this isn't good. Dammit Xavier why do you have to point it out.

I just silently lay there taking in all that had just happen. I was so close to bursting into tears.

There all going to look at me in disgust I mean they already hate me. I mean they made it clear they could care less. If they think I'm going to say anything to them there mistaken.

The tension was as thick as my ass. Huh I'm funny. Well at least I know I still have my sense of humor.

"Heyyyy how y'all doin" I decided to break the silence.

"What the FUCK is on your stomach"well dear older brother that would be bruises if you look close enough you will see Scars. Of course not wanting to die I shrugged my shoulders.

"Seriously Astraea you want to shrug your shoulders now but run your mouth at dinner" oooo fiesty.

"Speak Astraea, do something, because I know this is hard to speak about but we need to know what happened. Before you think about don't even say I got in a fight, because if you were you would've beat there ass." Jax chucked at the end of his sentence.

Who spoke next surprised me

" look we definitely haven't shown you we love you and all but no matter what you do or say your our family"

"Voglio dire, cosa vuoi che dica, vuoi che mi rompa e pianga, beh se comincio a piangere non penso che mi fermerò mai"

(I mean what do you want me to say, do you want me to break down and cry, well if i start crying I don't think I'll ever stop)

I whispered this but of course with their vampire hearing they heard it. Weirdly enough there eyes softened. I know I should've held my ground but I'm tired of fighting and maybe after this confession life will get better?

I mean who am I kidding they were bound to find out. I'm tired of fighting the world and trying to control the odds.

I've tried everything in my power to change how my life has been playing out but I can't the world just doesn't want me to be happy.

"Everyone out" they all looked ready to protest but he gave him his classic glare.

After everyone left he asked the one question that I was dreading the most...

"Who did this to you"

Authors note 📝

Hey guys so I've had a crazy past couple of weeks and I'm sorry for not updating that much.

This chapter is a little short but I will be making a second and longer part


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