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They were a perfect family of ten people. Yes, I said ten people. There were a couple who loved each other and their kids dearly. The brothers always protecting and shielding their little Bambina from the harm of the world and wanting to keep her innocence intact.

Well, that's what it looked like to outsiders. There wasn't a lovely couple, in fact, it was an arranged marriage between the Italian and Spanish mafia. The man loved the woman but the sad fact was that the woman didn't feel the same way but bore his children anyway.

She never wanted this marriage in fact she was in love with another man. That man was a leader of a very powerful gang not as powerful as the mafia but still quite powerful. She had planned to escape to be with her soulmate as she called him but found out she was pregnant once again. Know don't be mistaken she loved her little boys they were her pride and joy even if it wasn't a man she loved, she loved her kids.

When she got pregnant again she figured she was going to have a boy then wait till it's a year old then runaway. Fates weren't on her side as she called it when she found out she was having a girl. So why wasn't she thrilled with having a girl, well the simple fact was she thought girls were weak and the little girl would take all the attention and become the mafia princess.

She was right that little girl was the happiest thing that could happen to the Ferrari men. Oh, how she was jealous. After her being born she couldn't run away since girls need extra special care. The lady was upset that her plans to be with her lover was postponed.

Then one fateful night, after the couple argued, it was a regular schedule by then, and even the little boys knew that this one wasn't good. So when the father got a call from his second in command saying they need help she took the opportunity.

She packed clothes, stole money, and grabbed her daughter without saying goodbye or even looking back. That woman blamed her child but knew that the child needed her so she took her.

When the oldest of the Ferrari siblings didn't get woken by cries at 3 am he started to get worried because he slept through the night. So when the house was dead silent he knew something was wrong. He went to his princepessas room and didn't find her there he started to panic.

He went through all the rooms and didn't find his mother either. During all the ruckus he was making all of the brothers woke and were following him around trying to find what he was looking for. In the end, none of the brothers could find the princess or their mother.

They called their father and he set out his men to bring home his little princess, he could care less about the women. When the search turned up empty each time they slowly lost hope but never completely gave up.

In later years their father went to go help the search team himself leaving the boys at home. The father never returned home. They still don't know if he is dead or alive.

All the Ferrari brothers could do was hope that the princess was treated like one and that their father was alive.

And that's how the story of Astrea Greengrass-Ferrari's life began...

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