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Previously on "Broken"...


And that's what you missed on "broken"

Part 2 of Astraea's first day of school-😶

The class that was once buzzing with laughter and chatter came to halt at the new face that barged in. That face being me, of course I so kindly graced them with my presence. Why did I sound so self centered. Idk I'm your self conscious. True.

As a walk in, my boots hitting the ground and the class all staring, the teacher asks for my schedule.

"Oh yes the new student, miss Ferrari?"

"Yup" obviously it's on my paper.

" ok well why don't you introduce yourself miss Ferrari" NOOO I hate that shit, I'd rather just let them think I'm a bitch and get on with my life. I hate all the people staring at me. I'm confident, but in front of big class full of people on the inside I'm shaking.

I look at the class blankly and answer in a monotone voice "I'm Astraea, and I just moved here". The teacher looked surprise by my emotionless voice but smiled nonetheless.

"Ok, umm well any questions"

A girl with blonde hair raised her hand, she looked like a bitch.

"Hi we'll I'm Veronica, as you probably know already, your brothers must talk about me all the time, that's if you are related to them. Who know you might just be there whore" This bítch.

I start laughing she really... wow.

"Yeah there my brothers, and they actually did mention you" Her face lit up and the rest of the class just listened while the teacher just went back to her desk.

" They talked about how your a total bitch." I winked at her as her face deflated.

" oh and I think you miss Barbie need to pipe the fuck down before I shove my foot so far up your ass-"

"Ok that's enough Miss Ferrari, go sit next to those four boys over there" I roll my eyes but go sit there anyways.

As I settle my stuff and look up to see 4 Greek gods. I guess we will be seat buddies for the year. One is looking at smiling and tilting his head, like a puppy. Another is reading a book with a blank face, Mysterious. The one next to him seems like the typical bad boy. Lastly, by the looks of it the golden boy. Seems like an odd group.

"Hi I'm Ambrose, you?" "Astraea" he beams when he got a small smile from me, what he looks adorable. I get a good look at him, he has chocolate brown skin, honey brown eyes, a defined jaw, and looks like he has a lot of energy.

"Sorry about him he's always excited to meet knew people, I'm Phoenix" he said the last part with a wink, I gave him a blank face. His features are more on the lighter side with light blue eyes and pale skin.

I looked to see if the the other two would introduce themselves but nope just got silence. So taking the initiative Ambrose introduced them.

" The bookworm with glasses over there is Quinn" I don't know why but he's so compelling to look at, with his floppy brown hair, green eyes that I can only catch a hint of, and his clenched jaw. He doesn't respond and keeps reading.

"The wannabe bad boy over there is Matteo" he looks of Spanish origins, he has brown eyes and a shade of skin in between pale and tan, his hair is curly. He looks like a real softy underneath. He looks up at hearing his name and just looks at me bored.

"Cool" "women of few words I like it" next thing I hear is a groan coming from Phoenix. "Sorry he forgets manners" I smirk at Ambrose, he's going to be a fun one.

"So where did you come from" " I came from Florida, I just moved her with my brothers." A sorry excuse for brothers if I do say so myself. I don't fully trust or forgive them, it takes time and I'm not just go crawling back to them because they shed a few tears.

"Ohhhh my father has a beach house there" cocky much Phoenix, how rich are these guys?

"What does your father do?" " oh he owns a oil company" wait, Phoenix. Phoenix, where do I know that name, ph-


"As in Phoenix Vanderbuilt, as in next level rich" he smirked " yup that me, and these are my best friends" I roll my eyes.

"So that makes you Ambrose Irvine, father is they guy that created Web tech, Quinn Irvine mom is a fashion designer, and Matheo mom is a famous actor" I sound like a fucking creep.

They all look at me and simultaneously say " yup"

" so thing 1 and thing 2 speak" " yup just not to you, peasant" bite your tongue bite your tongue... Matteo is just stupid jerk.

"Wow, nice introduction" " sorry about them there jerks, what your last name since were sharing apparently"

" Ferrari, Astraea Ferrari" Malfoy, Draco malfoy.... what?

"Ohhhh your the Ferrari brothers little sister that came back from the dead apparently?!?!" "That's me" more dead inside than anything.


Wtf that was fast as hell, what did we even learn? Oh wait the teacher is sleeping, yaayyyy, quality rich education people.

"Hey wanna sit with us at lunch?" "Maybe, maybe not" he smiles at me "Ok!" This guy has way to much energy, him and Jax would be best friends.

As I'm leaving I catch the eye of Quinn, he's looking at me with a blank expression but his eyes tell a different story. I quickly avert my eyes to avoid the awkwardness and head to my next class.

When's lunch, I'm hungry!

Your always hungry

Shut up





Am I crazy for talking to myself?

"Depends on who your asking"

*To be continued*

Hey my lovessss 💚

I wanted to make her first day in a couple of chapters that way I Can Fit all drama and new friendships from school in and introduce my lovely people (some not so lovely)


Also what do we think about the new guys, what are y'all sending good or bad vibes

QOFD- what is your hidden talent, or a talent in general
You have

Also please comment and I'm always open to suggestions-

Like making longer chapters or even suggestions on my book

Anyways love reading comments ❤️

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