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As soon as I sit down Giovanni claps his hands and maids appear with food

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As soon as I sit down Giovanni claps his hands and maids appear with food. They must have appeared from thin air because when I walked into the house it was silent. So when did they get here you may ask well I couldn't tell you.

The maids looked scared and I could tell because they all looked like they wanted to shit their pants. Except for one which surprised me. She definitely wasn't scared because she was just flaunting her stuff as she set down the plates. I mean I'm not gonna judge so do you. She had her cleavage out and she definitely needs a little fix on her makeup.

I mean I'm not one to judge I hate makeup but it looked like she did her makeup in a car that was going 100 miles per hour.

I heard a snicker beside and me and realized that everyone was looking at me. Did I say that out loud? Whoops. Jax was laughing his ass off next to me, the oldest two didn't look amused, Emilliano was fighting a smile, Xavier looked ready to explode, Angelo's mouth twitched, and Calum looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Woops?" The lady was not happy and looked like she wanted to punch me in the face. I'd like to see her try. Yeah, what I said wasn't meant to be said out loud but it was an accident. I raised an eyebrow at her expression.

Luca waved all the maids to go away. Before they left the maid was giving me a smug look. She's lucky because if I would have let my anger control me her face would have been even more messed up.

Giovanni cleared his throat to yell at me for being probably disrespectful but Xavier beat him to it.

"look her little bitch, just because your fucking spoiled doesn't mean you get to walk into our lives and do whatever you fucking please" The table fell into silence. He gave me a look saying yeah go cry about it. No thank you.

I started laughing, most likely because he looked constipated and he really thought he did something. He would have to do a lot more than that to make me cry.

After my laughter died down, my oldest brother had the audacity to say what he said next.

"Look, the disrespect is not tolerated here and I won't have it. Though I don't agree with Xavier's choice of words I agree that because you were spoiled and got away with things like being arrested doesn't mean I will have it here. Just because you lost your mother doesn't mean you get to act out. Your actions if repeated will result in punishment"

I let out an involuntary shudder thinking about my punishments back home. My breathing had increased and I was about to have a panic attack luckily no one noticed. Not like they would care. No one does. But how dare he thinks my mother's death is something to use against me.

I nodded numbly. Just trying not to let my emotions show through as I'm trying to calm myself. My cold stare is back on and I know for sure this is going to be temporary.

" I expect verbal answers." " yes" I'm glad I didn't say sir it was a bad habit of mine.

" Now on the topic of expectations, let me tell you the rules" Wow way to embarrass me in front of everyone and give me rules like I'm a five-year-old.

" Rule #1- We expect verbal answers
Rule #2- We want all A's and B's
Rule #3- you can have guy friends but no boyfriends                                              Rule #4- we expect no trouble out of you like fights and Backtalk
Rule #5- no alcohol or drugs
Rule #6- Do not, Do not go the basement                                                                                                                   There will be severe punishment if your break any of these"

He looked at me sharply on the last ones. I rolled my eyes internally. He's seen my record and the arrest on drug possession. It was an errand for Nolan. Don't worry I won't do it again he already beat sense into me for getting caught.

The funny thing is he can look into my records but can look at my hospital records and the accusations on my stepfather. Thinking I'm the spoiled rich girl. Look in the mirror buddy.

All these rules, but rules are meant to be broken "Enter evil cackle".

What's sad I barely even touched my plate and my brothers are almost finished. Surprising since they spent most dinner yelling at me.

I was really hungry too. Oh well.

"May I be excused, and before you ask I ate on the plane" Xavier rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath. "Yes you may"

Giovanni called out to me as I almost made it out of the room

"One more thing you will be enrolled in school tomorrow" Fuck. "Ok"

I hate school with a passion, I mean im smart and all but that doesn't mean anything. I hate the bullies and don't even get me started on the barbies.

The only thing I like about school is lunch and electives. I'll let them know tomorrow what electives I want, well if they let me pick. They might not since they want to control everything in my life so far.

The electives I would choose if I get the chance would be Music, Art, and a language class. Depending on the school they have different languages.

Though most of the standard languages they teach I already know. I know around fifteen languages which came in handy in the underground business. In my spare time, I would teach myself different languages and that came in handy especially when people talk about you in different languages.

Im not going to tell my brother this information because there is definitely something going on in this house and I'm not stupid basements usually are used for torcher chambers.

This isn't my first rodeo there either in a mafia or a really big gang especially since they live in this big ass mansion.

With those thoughts, I go into my room do my night routine making sure to take my pain killers, Clean my cuts, and wrap my ribs. As I lay in my bed the only thing going through my mind is:

I just hope they don't break me even more, the hole I'm in keeps getting bigger and darker. I don't know how much longer I can last, I wish he was with me.

Authors note🤍:

Hey my lovely readers how are yall today? who do we think He is? any guess on what happened?

See yall in the next update


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