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As the plane landed and I grabbed my worn-out suitcase I started thinking about my future

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As the plane landed and I grabbed my worn-out suitcase I started thinking about my future. When I look into the future I don't see anything and that scares me because I want to live a full life but the past is binding me with its ropes.

Maybe my life could be better here, but I doubt that I was a burden to my parents and I will be to them as well. Sadly I'm ok with that because all I have is me, myself, and I.

As I break out of my thoughts once again by my phone ringing.

An unknown number- This is your eldest brother Giovanni I won't be able to make it so I will have my driver get you.

Thanks for specifying why. Sounding like a whole businessman.

I'm sure I look like a lost puppy. I mean what does the driver even look like. Well, you should have asked your brother dumbass. Shut up. No.

Someone taps my shoulder and whirled around ready to punch someone. I look up and see it's only a nice-looking old guy holding my name on a sign. Damn, he came out of no where.

"Excuse me miss are you by any chance Astraea Greengrass" "who's asking" I'm not stupid he could be a kidnapper. Why would a kidnapper be wearing a suit dumbass. Ok ok, no need to get fiesty.

"I'm your brother's personal driver Burtrum and it's nice to see you again miss Astraea" "oh ok and thank you..." well looks like I'm not dying today, such a shame.

"Follow me" he reaches out to take my bag "ill hold it thank you though" what, no one touches my stuff.

He leads me to a limo and opens the door for me. I get it and see there's an array of wine glasses and candy. I grab some chocolate chips and stuff them in my mouth. Burtrum rolls down the operating glass and laughs at my chocolate stuffed face.

During the 30-minute car ride, I get to know Burtrum a little better. He has a wife and they both have been working for "my" family since my eldest brother was born.

When we arrive at their house or mansion as I call it there is a family crest on the gate. With a big fat F on it. Can I get an F in the chat?

The gate is opened to an old mansion that has vines everywhere with a vast and open space with woods surrounding the house, it gives me Dark green academia feels.

When we get to the inside of the house it does not disappoint. It's very modern and old at the same time. That made no sense Astraea. Shut up will you.

Someone clears their throat beside me and my face heats up because I'm just standing there gawking. Bertrum tells me that my brothers aren't home and shows me to my room. Wow, no one knows how to give details around here. I'm guessing ill meet them at dinner.

As we get to my room passing all the other ones, I can see seven doors with seven names. Wait back the fuck up. Did I count that correctly, When they said brothers I thought like two or three not a whole seven.

"I guess master Giovanni forgot to mention you have seven brothers" did he just say m-

" Yeah, I guess he did forget". Bertrum leads me to my room and when we get in it's crazy cool. It's one of those rooms you see on TikTok with the galaxy lights, led lights, vinyl, and bookshelf.

"It's amazing Burt-" I turn around and he's gone. Like a ghost. Lowkey rude but okay.

I start to unpack and explore my room. There's a bathroom with one of those luxurious bathtubs. There's a walk-in closet and it's filled with clothes. How did they know my size...

Anyways, I walk back out to my main portion of my room and see there's a bay window facing the trees. I look up at the sky as it starts to rain making my mood lift slightly I love the rain. The rain is so calming that I fall asleep.

As I slowly start to wake up I feel someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see green eyes staring at me. This startles me since it's definitely not Burtrum.

So I punch them in the face.

The teenager groans. Then I think to myself it's probably one of my brothers. oops.

"Sorry" I said emotionlessly. He jumps up with a smile on his face " oh it ok my precious little sister, It didn't hurt that bad". Says the bruise forming around your eye and you were just rolling around on the ground like two seconds ago.

"Who are you" his eyes flash with hurt but go back to happiness just as fast as it came.

" I'm Jax and I'm the youngest sibling before you came which makes me happy since I'm not the baby anymore and-" I cut off his ramble. This kid is way too happy for my liking.

"so what did you need Jax" "oh right well I came to tell you dinner is ready and it's time to introduce yourself and our brothers to each other" I am kinda hungry now that I think about it and I haven't eaten for two days ago.

I follow Jax through the hallways. I didn't even notice that there were that many.

Once we get to the place where I guess the dining room is there is a bunch of chatting and yelling. Which immediately dies down when I step inside.

As I'm looking at each of my brothers I can already tell they're going to be fun (note the sarcasm).

One is smiling, two are glaring, and the rest are giving me a cold stare. So I just give a cold stare back.

They look at me with a bit of shock and amusement.

A very icy and hard voice speaks " Astraea I'm glad your back and it seems as though you have really grown up" he says the last bit with a hint of sadness. Weird.

" Yeah, I guess, could you introduce your selves I have no clue who's who"

The older guy starts first

"I'm Giovanni the eldest" definitely strict

"Luca second oldest" Looks strict as well

"Emilliano third oldest" he seems sweet

" Angelo" definitely not big on speaking

"Calum" he rolls his eyes. rude and quite

"Xavier" He gives me a glare. So I send one back

"Well you already know me I'm Jax, don't mind the last three their nincompoops. Sadly I'm part of a triplet clan with Xavier and Calum". Huh Wouldn't have guessed that.

With that, I sit down, and with the growing tension surrounding the tables, I can already tell this is going to be an eventful dinner.

Authors note:

Well, hey guys second chapter is out and I hope yall like it. Sorry for the short chapter. There will be drama coming up don't worry. I want to get to know my readers so what's your favorite food?

Also, I will be updating every day because of the thanksgiving break and when we go back to school in will update every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and maybe the weekends sometimes.

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