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It officially been a whole week of being here and so far all I can say is it's been one of the most questionable experiences I've had

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It officially been a whole week of being here and so far all I can say is it's been one of the most questionable experiences I've had. First, the five brothers that either hate me or just don't care about my arrival just stay in their rooms unless for dinner or going to work. Secondly, Jax and Emilliano are the total opposite of all my other brothers, they actually tried to get to know me.

It has been quiet besides when we eat and when Emmy or Jax take me somewhere fun. Now I don't want to go, I'd rather crawl into my bed and slowly die but they had other plans for me. They take me to the movies and they found out I like to go skating so they took me to a skateboarding park.

The only time I saw one of the grinch brothers are when Giovanni took me to school and enrolled me. I start school in one week and the sad part is every time I think of school I think about friends.

I actually had a friend group although small we were like our own family. We had each other's back and we held each other's secrets that we will take to the grave.

They were the only people that knew of my abuse and I had them swore to not tell the authorities, I didn't want to go into the system just to be abused more. They were my everything. Though the universe doesn't let anything good happen to me.

In the group, there was me, the twins that were fraternal boy and girl, and two other guys. Surprisingly all their parents were in a mafia and mine were in a large gang. So we bonded even more over that our parents were criminals. The only difference was their parents loved them.

Our group was inseparable from the day we met. That all changed when one by one they all had to go back to where they came from. The twins were from Russia, one of the guys was from Spain, and the last guy was from Ireland, but he stayed longer.

When they left me And him we were devastated, we already figure they would all leave at some point because they were only here for business which lasted longer than expected, two years to be exact.

He was a different story his parents decided to extend the stay to try and regain some territory they lost. We grew close to the point where we dated and eventually broke up because boys can't keep it in their pants.

It hurt a lot when I had to find out from his siblings what happened. He tried to apologize to me but I just wasn't having it. He could've told me instead of ruining a two-year friendship and a six-month relationship.

It's what I deserved I guess, I mean look at me I'm littered with scars and bruises. who would want me?

The memories our friend group had was all I tried to think about and not the bad things. I missed them but what can I do.

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door. It seems though I'm always in my thoughts now and days, thinking and overthinking what could've been.

"Come in" expecting Jax or Emmy I was surprised when Luca entered my room.

" Today a couple of our partners and their families will be coming to dinner and making a business deal. You need to dress up nicely and wear heels and a dress. The dinner starts at 7 and no later than must you come down the stair one of us will knock on your door." with that he left.

Wait what just happened, did he just say dress and heels. I don't dislike wearing them it's my bruises I'm worried about my scars. There mostly below my chest and before my legs, though there are more memories that scare me than those.

As I look at the clock I realize it's 5:30 and he told me an hour and thirty minutes before the dinner is he serious. So I hurriedly gather my outfit from the variety of clothes in my closet that is all my size which is weird but I don't have time to ponder on it.

I take my time in the shower and wash my hair and shave, Which due to my constant being in bed have been delayed forever. After I dry off and put lotion on I dry my hair. My hair is naturally straight I decided to spice it up by curling it.

I don't like makeup that much so I put on mascara and lipgloss. Nolan made sure he never scarred me anywhere anyone can see which I'm grateful for.

As I'm putting my heels on Jax comes bursting into my room. I look at the clock realizing it 6:55 perfect timing.

Jax looks me over and approves of my outfit, which I can tell is a lie since he doesn't look happy with the dress but doesn't comment on it.

"You look...nice" I raise an eyebrow and smirk at him. "Thank you do too Jax I'm glad you like it"

He holds a hand out for me to take "shall we m'lady" "We shall"

I don't do well with strangers so I put my cold stare on as we descend the stairs. As we get downstairs I note that the noise had died down and assumed the guest and my brothers were all just waiting on me. There is small talk amongst the guest and I'm assuming they don't notice I'm here yet

Instead of looking at who I will be meeting tonight which was a big mistake, I look at my brothers and they do look nice. They are all wearing pure black suits and gold watches, surprisingly we all look like family matching with the whole black and gold memo.

When I get closer my brothers finally look up, with pure awe and shock in their eyes they watch me come down the stairs. These stairs are really long.

On the last step, Gio takes my hand and leads me toward their guests which look kinda familiar from the back.

As for me and my brothers, we make our way over to the guests the three families turn around and I finally understand why they look so familiar.

After a few seconds of silence someone finally speaks:


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