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 I never thought I would've open up to my brothers but I did

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I never thought I would've open up to my brothers but I did. It's was scary and it made me feel vulnerable, something I don't like to be. Though it did feel kind of nice to have the weight of the secret of my shoulders.

It's been a couple of hours and I'm officially ready for school. I look like a badass in this outfit, I always do.

I don't think anyone's ready for my entrance. The Ferrari sister risen from the dead. Got a nice ring to it. Although there is  a uniform, it's not half bad.

As I sit down for breakfast they all get silent, analyzing my outfit. Only some of my brothers are here the rest are god knows where. The triplets and me are all going to the same high-school. Though the sad part is, it's connected to a college, so Emiliano and Angelo go there. Yaaaaayyyy *sarcasm* so know I have a total of five brothers watching over me.

The school is called "Iverson preparatory school", home of the rich, the elite, and the 1%. Those including people who are part of the rich and the big.

How do I know about this school, well everyone does they just don't know the location. Only few ever get accepted to go there and if your not a 1% your a scholarship kid.

To top it all off my brothers own the school. Crazy weird. Imagine being rich and privileged all your life, couldn't be me.

Anywhore, this isn't some intro to those pretty rich boy books so let's get carried on with my first day of school.

As I get done with breakfast and get dragged in a car I can feel the butterflies coming.

It's not that I'm nervous it's just that I get really anxious to meet new people. Don't even get me started on all the Barbies that'll be obsessed with my brothers. I know how this will go, I like to read and I'm no strangers to mean girls.

Which I will happily put in their place. After I'm done with this school, everyone will know their place.

I didn't even notice we were at the school till my brother was yelling my name.


"Damn ok all up in my ear, gonna blow my ear drums out."

I felt a wack to my head. I turn to glare at that person. Xavier. Of course. I hear a snicker to my left and see Jax trying to cover a smile.

I raise my eyebrows. He gives me a sheepish smile. Jax points at the school.

"Holy shi-"

"Language." I roll my eyes and turn back to the freaking a castle in-front of me.

The entrance of the school is surrounded by nothing but gates and trees. To keep the location secret the location is secluded. It feels like a dark academia Pinterest board. The building look like the go back centuries. They are made of brick and are brown. The dark green of the forest gives it very nice vibes. It's looks classy and timeless.

As we step out of their really fancy sleek matte black car the court yard goes quite. It's the morning so the school is covered in fog but the people that go there are scattered around the yard.

I'm guessing my brothers are popular. The guys look at me in awe and girls in disgust. Sigh what will I ever do, the girls don't like me.

"WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT BITCHES" suddenly everyone goes back to whatever they were doing except know gossiping about the new hot chick.

"Do you see her, she is fine"

"I would tap that" No you will not

"She looks like a hoe"

"What is she doing with the Ferrari brothers"

" Veronica will defiantly here about this" what are you Draco Malfoy's sister.

We start walking to the office to get my schedule. As soon as we walk in to school more people stare. Didn't their parents ever tell them not to stare, well mine didn't but I know it's rude.

We arrived at the office shortly and there was a lady at the front desk that looked like Dolores Umbridge. Let's stay away from her.

"Excuse me ma'am could we have our sisters schedule"

She didn't even look up at Jax and just kept doing paper work.


Still ignoring us, I slam my fist on the table scaring her. She finally does look up and looks like she's going to shit her pants.

"Answer. Him."

"Y-yes Mr. Ferrari, n-name?"

"Astraea Ferrari"

She looked shocked by the name. Probably wondering how many more kids my mom popped out.

When she does finish she hands over the paper, not without shaking of course. I look down at my paper to read it:
Astraea-Greengrass Ferrari:

Period 1: Math
Period 2: science
Period 3: English
Period 4: Art
Period 5: free period
Period 6: music
Period 7: Geography

I'm glad that they gave me music, it's my release to life and all the stress. When life is shít turn the music up.

I snap out of my thoughts and realize two things, 1 my brothers magically disappeared (ninjas I'm telling yah), 2 I'm lost.

Ok ok building 300 is right over there and that's my first period class.


and that's my first period Bell. I'm late, great. I rhymed. As the building comes into view I can't help but feel like someone is watching me.

I look around making sure I won't have to use my super Ninja turtle powers on someone, but alas I'm alone in the building. Sigh, when will I ever use my Ninja powers.

Ahh I see my first period class. I guess since my brothers aren't here I can make sure to give a proper introduction to my classmates, if you know what I mean *wink*.

As I reach the door I think of an amazing idea. Time to introduce myself. Breathe, breathe, you got this. Maybe we should back down and not draw attention. Nope, shut up.

Back to our normal scheduled programming....

And to introduce my self what's better then kicking open the door


A little demonstration 🚪 👊🏼💥🏃🏽‍♀️💨


Y'all aren't ready for the spicy chapter that is chapter twelve a little drama, new friendships, and even some (unwanted) old characters to pop up, all happening on her first day of school too...

QOFD:What is y'all's favorite color?
Mine emerald green or red❤️

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