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Previously on broken:

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Previously on broken:

On the last step, Gio takes my hand and leads me toward their guests which look kinda familiar from the back.

As for me and my brothers, we make our way over to the guests the three families turn around and I finally understand why they look so familiar.

After a few seconds of silence someone finally speaks:



In front of me are the people I didn't think I would ever see again.

Standing in front of me are the twins Alexei and Katina IvanovQuinn Mikealson, Ace-King, and their families. They all have grown out of those younger faces into a new and mature one. If I do say so myself we were a pretty attractive group but those days over.

These people were my best friends and family all rolled into one. I said I missed them and I do but what I didn't say was how much they hurt me.

They did the worst thing the could do was leave without saying goodbye or even telling me. Come to find out they found they were moving back to there homelands three months prior and they all left me in the dark.

I may sound dramatic but I needed them and they didn't even say goodbye. Why, I don't know.

On top of all that Ace was the one that I got into a relationship with when the rest of them left but you already know how that turned out.

My ex- best friends just stare at me me in shock. I on the other hand, well I'm unfazed.

"Hello Friends" I mutter sarcastically. I get a nudge in the side and realize my brothers are waiting on me tell them how I know them. So I shrug.

Xavier rolls his eyes, if he keeps doing that there going to roll into the back of his head.

"Well this isn't really time to play catch-up it's a business meeting. Astraea let's go" I let Giovanni guide me to the dining room. As everyone else trails along.

This dinner is going to be amazing...not. The tension will probably suffocate me and maybe I'll finally die who knows.

As I sit down I can feel there stares from a mile away. I don't really know what they want from me, I can tell they all have been in contact through out the years. They seem pretty close. That's the worst part.

There here for my brothers with their family so I'm not going to let them spoil their parent business deals, so as I usually do I sit back and observe.

It a really big dining table there's 22 seats to be exact. We aren't in our regular dining room I just noticed that.

Giovanni sits at the head of the table and on his right it's me and my brothers going from oldest to youngest. So I sit next to Jax, this will be fun.

Then across from us are the rest of them.

Let me tell you a little insight on the families before we start with dinner. The Ivanov twins are the only children and Heiress of the Russian mafia.

Quinn Mikealson is the second oldest child of the Spanish mafia. He has and older brother and a younger brother.

And last but not least Ace king the oldest of the king siblings and heir to the American mafia. He lives in Canada.

Now back to dinner

The maids come out of nowhere like yesterday and what surprised me was that train wreck girl was no where to be found. Weird. Maybe she took a break.

Tonight's dinner was steak, potatoes, and green beans. It looked really good but the put a lot of food on my plate so  I might not eat it all.

The conversations were pretty boring but from time to time Jax would tell me funny jokes. I almost spit my drink out but luckily I held it in.

As those boring conversations droned on I found my self listening to the teenagers conversations. Without looking and making it obvious I took bites of my food.

"I just wish she would look at us" I roll my eyes at that statement and look at Quinn. With raised eyebrows " what do you want Quinn"

They all look surprised and obviously didn't realize that they were being really loud.

"Oh um I just wanted to see how you were doing and how you have been" this guy has the nerve. "I'm fine, been doing fine since the day I was born no need to worry about me" the statement came out a little harsher than I intended to sound.

You may think I'm irrational but they were the only things that kept me going when the abuse was going on. They were my rocks and I learned the hard way that you have to lean on yourself and not people who are temporary.

It was hard when they left I had no one to tell and so I bottled my emotions and fell deeper into depression.

"Astraea you don't need to be so harsh we're sorry but we couldn't do anything about moving away" all conversations had stopped at this point. But of course, Katina always had a habit to get defensive against anyone that was an outsider to the group. She was like the mother and I can tell that I am is an outsider to them.

"Katina stop" ahh Ace coming to the rescue as always the tension diffuser.

" look Ace I don't need your help to defend my battles I'm a big girl now. Katina it's not about y'all moving away at all it's not always about you guys. All I said was my life has been fine and there isn't any meaning behind it."

" Katina just back off there is no need to fight right now I'm sure she didn't mean to sound so harsh" I was always close to Alexei and I was least close to Katina. I'm glad Alexei is still on my side, I would never admit that though.

" Why can't you defend me Alexei your always defending Astrea always have been since when we were best friends. We are no longer in the title of best friends with her. We our own friend group now. When we didn't tell her about moving away that was the plan all along and you know that. She's  just the sad little girl we took in" All the boys were staring at her In shock and in madness.

Then that is when I finally lost it my shit.

Authors note 📝
How did y'all like this chapter? I haven't found a schedule for When I will be posting the chapters yet. I only posted everyday because of thanksgiving break. 

❤️ author

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