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"Money makes the world go 'round." Money - Cabaret


Zayn and I spent the day talking until eight when he said he had to get ready for the program his company was broadcasting tonight. They were sponsoring some charity work, and Zayn had to be there in case they wanted questions from the CEO. The event was based on raising money for kids in orphanages or that were struggling with severe illnesses, and things of that sort.

He said that afterward, he'd have to take care of some business and that if I was still awake he'd try to call back. I wanted to ask which business he means, his real job or the candy related one.

Instead, I kept my mouth shut and we bid each other goodbye. I had nothing else to do but wait for tomorrow. Zayn thought it would be good to introduce me to the work environment, and told me that I'd be spending the day with him.

I was nervous about this, and I didn't want to be a crap assistant. Rolling off the couch and onto the floor, I reached for the television remote. Scrolling through the channels until I found the station they were playing the program.

There was so much commotion, the camera panning over various people in suits or dresses. Everyone and everything was all did up. Someone on a podium cleared their throat and the camera moved and stationed itself in the front.

A short older man looked around before leaning against the podium. "We will be starting shortly, thank you." I looked around on the stage, no sign of Zayn anywhere. I felt Vriska's nose budge against my knee as he pawed at my thigh. He rolled over, expecting me to rub his belly.

Giving in, I rubbed his furry tummy and scratched behind his floppy ears. I felt bad that I've been ignoring him lately but I couldn't help it. The buzzer started going off, and I stumbled to get up. "Hold on!" I unlocked the door, opening it revealing a wide smiling Julie and a groaning Ella, who was to hold a couple boxes of Chinese food and two bottles of two-liter soda.

"Told you we'd be back!" Julie squeezed my shoulder and walked past me. I grabbed the two bottles from Ella, who thanked me while Julie walked over to the couch. Using my foot to shut the door, I walked over to the couch too.

"Ew, why are you watching this? I swore you hated news related things." The brunette mumbled and walked into the kitchen area. There was clattering going on and the loud "Shit!" when something collided with the floor. She returned with three glasses and forks, placing them on the little coffee table.

"I have to watch this for my journalism class and write an article for it so I have to watch it." Julie briefly looked up from her phone, fingers still typing.

"I'm just watching it because there's nothing else on." I leaned over to grab a take out carton and fork. Ella poured a cup of soda and passed it over, managing to not spill any of it.

We took a minute to all get settled, food distributed to its rightful owners and sodas were placed from anywhere they could fall and stain my carpet. Julie had her little notepad placed by her lap with a pen and Ella got bored before it even started and grabbed my laptop to play games. I sat quietly with my legs crossed, eyes on the tv as I tried to pick up an even amount of noodles between my chopsticks.

The little elder man returned to the podium, tapping on the mic lightly to get everyone's attention. He was grinning from ear to ear as he clasped his hands together, "Welcome and thank you all for coming out tonight. As one of the oldest sponsors of Children of a New Division, I was astounded to hear that one of the world's most known business men had decided to take part in the act. Please give a warm welcome to mister Zayn Malik of Malik and Company!"

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