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"Treat me like your money. Love me, need me, want me." Treat Me Like Your Money - Macy Gray.


'Dress up for me, doll.'

The words circled in my mind, leaving me clueless on what he considered dressing up was. I didn't exactly own a load of fancy dresses which set me at a disadvantage. My wardrobe was seventy percent homeless looking items and thirty percent cute things.

Frowning, I nervously bit my lip. My hands fumbled around through the clothes hangers, aimlessly taking out two dresses and putting them on the bed.

I decided to go with the red dress, it wasn't too professional or slutty looking and seemed just right for the occasion. Truthfully I didn't know what to expect on this date if you could even call it that.

I shrugged it off and untied my bathrobe, the sound of my apartment buzzer filling my ears.

"Hold on a second!" I quickly pulled back on the robe and rushed to the door, Vriska was standing at the door barking like a maniac. The buzzing stopped for a moment before it started again, I angrily pulled open the door.

"Jesus, what the fu- Zayn!"

He chuckled and ran his ring-covered fingers through his hair. I couldn't help but admire his suit, he looked extremely attractive as usual. I didn't intend to zoom out, but I was pulled I back by the sound of him clearing his throat.

"I know I'm good looking, but mind letting me in?"

'You cocky little..'

"Oh, sure."

I stepped back, allowing him space to enter before I closed and locked the door. Zayn walked around a bit, taking in the surroundings before plopping down on the couch. Vriska, who had been hiding somewhere behind the couch, slowly made his way over to Zayn. The dog sniffed him a couple of times before leaving.

"You're like an hour early, Zayn."

"Eh, I got bored. After running errands I decided to pick up some extra things and decided 'Hey, let's go see what Lana's up to.' And boom, here I am." He grinned at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"I've got to do my hair and makeup," I mumbled and began walking back into my bedroom. Zayn's heavy footsteps trailed behind me and the squeak of the bed as he sat down made me turn to face him. His eyes were locked on mine as he bit his lip.

"Is this what you're wearing?" Zayn questioned, taking the silky red dress into his hands. He looked back up at me with a quirked brow as he waited for the answer.

"Yeah, do you think it's okay for the night?"

"I think it's perfect."


It took me almost a good twenty minutes to get Zayn to stop bothering me long enough and an additional thirty minutes to get my dress on, fix up my hair and apply some makeup. I sprayed a bit of perfume on before grabbing my purse off the vanity and walking out of my room.

I peered around the corner to see Zayn sitting on the couch, trying to fix his hair. A single piece continued to fall and he finally gave up and let it hang in front of his eyes.

He quickly turned and looked at me, lips slowly curling into a smirk as he stood up. Placing a handout, I grabbed it and I could feel his grip tighten on my palm.

"You look amazing, Lana." He mumbled as he began to bit his lip. "Let's go."

I nodded and he led me out of the apartment, allowing me a moment to lock the door. We walked down the hall with his hand at my waist. Reaching the staircase, I made a mental note to try and not embarrassed myself by tripping in these heels. I suppose Zayn knew I was thinking about falling and he gripped on my waist, walking us slowly till we reached the bottom.

"I was okay, I had it under control."

"I could practically hear you screaming at yourself not to trip. Now wait here, love, I'll pull up the car." Zayn chuckled and kissed my cheek and let me go.

As soon as he walked away I began to panic. What if I messed this date up? What if I trip and break my neck or spill something on him? What if he kidnaps me or something? Who's gonna take care of my dog? What if-

"I bought these for you. I didn't know what kind of flowers you like so I guessed. Do you like 'em?" Zayn's voice broke me out of my thoughts. He stood there waving a bouquet of flowers around before he held them out towards me.

"Zayn, they're beautiful. Thank you so much." I could feel the heat on my cheeks as I carefully took the flowers, holding them up and smelling them.

Maybe this date wouldn't be a waste after all.


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