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"When the smoke is in your eyes, you look so alive.." Fallingforyou - The 1975


"We're gonna take him to The Spot."

My eyes darted to him before glancing at the lump of a dead body. "The.. Spot?"

"Yeah. Where I take dead bodies. Can't just leave 'em around y'know." Zayn shrugged, bending down to grab one of his hands. With a grunt he heaved him up, tossing his arm over his shoulders.

I stand there, looking at Zayn with the most surprised expression. He said that as if he takes dead bodies out there every day! Like this was normal to him. Actually, for all, I know this could be normal for him.

"Give me a hand why don't you?"

"Ew no, I don't wanna touch a dead body." My face twisted with disgust. Carrying a dead man was not on my things to do list.

"Aha, you're being a pain, how cute. Now just help me get him outside at least."


Going to the other side, I grabbed his arm and slung it over my shoulder. Jones was heavy, almost making me topple to the floor. I grunted and began to drag him out, mumbling nothing but profanities until we reached out the kitchen.

"I'll drag him out, open the door and the trunk for me."

"We can't just put him in the back seat?"

"He isn't about to stain my seats, I just had them cleaned."

Rolling my eyes, I opened the front door and walked outside. It was starting to drizzle and I frowning at my lack of an umbrella. I hurried down the driveway and to the car, opening up its trunk before rushing back up to the house. Zayn walked past me, mumbling and grunting while dragging the body out.

I went inside, going to one of the hallway closets and hoped to find an umbrella. I opened it, frowning at the closet. There wasn't much in it besides two boxes with tape stuck on them. Crouching down I looked the first box, the little tape reading 'ESSENTIALS'. Shuffling around all the random junk, I finally found a little umbrella.

Leaving the closet, I made my way back outside, popping the umbrella open and walking out to the car. I watched as Zayn slammed shut the trunk, turning towards me.


"Whenever you are."

And with that, we got in the car.


"Where are we going to put him? Is there like a hole or something?"

"Nope," Zayn glanced at me and then back at the road, "we're gonna drop him."

I shut my mouth, figuring I'd learn more by just watching instead of asking all these questions. We pulled up to what looking like a cemetery, there were headstones and dead flowers placed by them from the lack of water they didn't receive.

We drove through the cemetery, along with a dirt road that seems to only go up. The car stopped as we reached the top of what seemed to be like a short cliff. I hopped out the passenger side and walked to the edge, looking down at the darkness. I could faintly see due to the moon being the only light source.

There was the soft sound of water splashing against the shore, making me wonder where exactly we were.


Snapping out of my thoughts, I walked back over to the car and went near the trunk, looking down at the lump of a body. My attention was on Zayn, giving him a 'Do I really have to touch him again?' look in which he only smirked and nodded. On three we lifted him out the trunk and drug him across the wet, mushy grass and near the edge.

I let go, standing back as I watched Zayn drop the body. There was silence before we hear a loud splash and he turned to face me. "Isn't it a bit wrong to just throw him in the ocean?"

"Yeah, but where else are we gonna take him?"

"I dunno, I'm not a mortician."

Zayn sighed and looked back to the ocean, running a hand through his still drenched hair. I moved a bit closer to sitting down, looking up and gesturing for him to join me. He chuckles softly before turning and walking back to the car. Sighing, I looked back to the dark sky.

There was the sound of a car door shutting and boots stomping against the grass, it making that watery sloshing noise. Zayn sat beside me, first handing me a small tin box. I looked at him in curiosity and he only smiled, pulling out a lighter.

"Smoke one with me?"

"Maybe just one."

He smiles and leans over, kissing my cheek and taking the tiny tin box. Opening it, he pulled out a joint and placed it between his lips. Using one hand to cup around its end, he lifted the lighter and began trying to let it catch.

Zayn finally lights it, sucking in before removing it from his lips as he blows out a straight stream of smoke.

Turning to me, he holds it out while he's still got that smile plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes and took it from his fingers, lifting it to my mouth. Taking the joint between my lips, I sucked in before exhaling it right back out. Handing it back to Zayn, I sighed and looked up towards the sky.

There were stars out and glowing, all seeming like they were shining with all they could. I smiled up at them before I felt Zayn move a bit so he was laying down, his head now I'm my lap. My hands move to his hair, running my fingers through its softness.

"I'll buy the stars for you."

"I've always wanted a star, that'd be nice."

"Yeah," he nods and blows out another puff, "You're like a star too."

"That so?" I looked down at him, giving him a small smile.

He chuckles and props himself up on his elbows. "You shine and you're lovely to look at."

"For someone who kills people and sells drugs, you're so sweet."

"I try."


*fetty wap voice* hey wassup hello

this chapter sucks butt eh but i rlly wanted to update again since i've got the time since it's a three day weekend. i was having trouble writing this bc i just was so brain dead in the creativity section and writers block sucks lmao

comment maybe?

have a good day c:

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