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"He loves to romance them, reckless abandon. Holdin' me for ransom, upper echelon." National Anthem - Lana Del Rey


"I want everything in that room removed and taken to the new location. There isn't much here, so this should be quick."

Zayn ordered to the group of people, them all nodding and looking around. I stood back, watching the group of men disappear up the stairs. Apparently Zayn got word from a friend who works for the police that they were going to search his house, with or without a warrant. They had been watching him and made him a suspect.

Zayn's friend, who bought from him every month, didn't want his favorite dealer to get caught and gave him the information. He was going to move all the stuff anyways since he'd just bought a bigger warehouse somewhere in the woods.

It was eleven at night, they decided the later the better to transport the goods. Two moving trucks were parked in the yard, and two dozen men came along to help. Some of them I remembered, the others were new faces.

I watch as they start coming down the stairs, some carrying two to three boxes. I could still remember when I wondered into that room, how the boxes were all named after different candies.

Leaning back against the couch I pull out my phone. Vriska walks in, coming up to the side of the seat. I rub his back and he barks happily and lays down.

Julie's up, not that I'm surprised, and we text for the next fifteen minutes. Suddenly there's yelling and gleams of flashing lights that shine through the windows. I push myself off the arm of the couch, looking from the door to the stairs. Men start rushing down the stairs at lightening speed, some running in from the front.

"Everyone out the back door, let's go!"

Zayn rushed down the stairs, slipping his arm through a sleeve. I immediately hop up, meeting him half way.

"What's going on?"

"The police, we've got to go. Get Vriska and go out the back, the car should be unlocked."

"But what about you? A-And everyone else?"

"Lana, baby," he places his hands on either side of my cheeks. His lips press to my forehead for a quick kiss, "I'll be fine. Now go, I'll be there soon. I promise."

Zayn takes my hand, placing the car keys in them. He gives me a 'just in case' look before heading back upstairs. I rush over to Vriska, who's barking at the light shining through the window. Calling his name, he runs towards me and we head for the back.

Pushing past a couple men, I make it down the driveway. I drop behind a bush, watching as the police start to beat down the door with a battering ram. My mind swarms with thoughts, yet I push them out. I look down at Vriska and we start towards the car.

Zayn had parked near the back road just for this reason. Stumbling, I grab the handle of the backseat. It opens up and I usher Vriska in. Going around, I hop in the front seat. I put the key in the ignition and wait. My hands rub against each other in angst, and I start releasing slow breathes.

'Zayn's gonna be alright. He promised. He promised.' I repeat to myself, peering out the windshield. It was pitch black, but I could see the faint light of the cop cars. Vriska barks, jumping and pounding against the windows.

"Vriska, sit down!"

He still barks and I turn and look out the window, a figure now coming this way. It gets a bit closer and I can make out it to be Zayn. My heartbeat increases rapidly as I start up the car, seeing the door swing opening and him jumping inside. I waste no time in hitting the gas, tires screeching as we pull off.

"Fuck, I was so worried about you!"

"I know, I'm sorry. We can switch driving whenever you get tired."

"Where are we going?"


Simply nodding my head, all my attention went onto the road. My eyes glance to the side mirror, squinting at the headlights appearing in its reflection. 'It's nothing' I tell myself and glance at Zayn. His head rests tilted back, eyes closed as his chest rises and fall slowly.

Looking back at the road, there are cars that seem to block across the whole section. At first, I believed it was a traffic buildup but no, it was the police. They had blocked us out. "Shit, Zayn!"

His head snaps up quickly and he looks at me bewildered. I point to the lineup and he curses under his breath. Slowly down the car, I peek at the side mirrors. Cop cars start to line up behind us now too. A light shines down from above, and the whooshing sound of the helicopter is heard.

"Get out of the car and put your hands up! We've got you surrounded!"

"Do what they say, Lana."

I swallow the lump in my throat, watching Zayn step out the car. Shaky hands grasp the handle and I push the door open, hands raised as I step out. Vriska's howling becomes faint as I close the door. Zayn walks around and we walk to the center of the circle, hands still raised.

Tears stream down my cheeks, looking around at the cops with guns aimed at us. "Don't cry, babygirl." Zayn spoke up, turning to face me.

"Stop moving! Don't you try anything! I'll shoot!"

Zayn ignores them, one hand slowly coming down. His fingertips brush again my cheek softly before two loud bangs are heard.

And suddenly my legs give out and my weight collides with him.

He grabs me, holding me tightly as we slump to the floor. I can't even fathom a scream. His hands pull from my back, soaked in red. "Lana!" Hazel eyes shift to me, pupils dilating. "P-Please! You're gonna be okay, please don't die! You can't!"

My mouth is dry as I open up to say something, but I do nothing but swallow air. "Zayn," I manage to croak out. His gasp is barely audible as he begins to press against the wound in my back.

"No, Lana! Don't leave me! Wake up, baby, please!"

My vision begins to blur as I heard him screaming something, the outline of figures near towards us. They pull him away with force, leaving me laying on the concrete. All the events that had happened since I met Zayn replayed in my head, one by one.

The phone call, the dinner date, the first night I spent with him. It all happened so quickly, yet it felt like I'd known him all my life. I realized I loved him, and I'd never told him. And I figured out what he never got to say.

They'd call him the Candy Man because his drugs were so sweet-like, they'd get you on a "sugar" high faster than you can say "one ounce".

He claimed he'd never loved anyone like he loved me, which is what I had convinced myself to actually believe.

He was so rude and brutal to the outside world, yet his love was so sweet it could've given me a toothache.

The Candy Man was my lover and stood by his side being his sugar baby.

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