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"Baby let me change your life, promise it will be alright.." Put It Up - Chris Brown feat. Rihanna


At midnight I found myself sitting near the edge of the mini cliff Zayn and I came to a couple days back. There was a soft breeze and calming sounds of the oceans and I could look up and gaze at the stars. There weren't many out, but they were still admirable. The Spot was nice, just a peaceful place to be at.

Later on, a little after one we were back at Zayn's place with me sitting on the island while he was rummaging through the fridge. The silence in the kitchen being filled with The Weeknd's cover of Drunk In Love that played from the docking station Zayn had connected his phone to.

He pulled out a carton of strawberries and a bottle of wine, looking back at me. I nodded in approval and he shut the fridge, rubbing his hands onto the gray sweatpants he wore. Moving to the sink, he ran water over them.

"What do you want to do tomorrow? Actually today, but you know what I mean."

"I'm up for whatever." There wasn't anything I'd like to do coming to mind. Honestly, I was probably gonna try and do coursework. I was never the type to have plans, and I'm still not.

"How about I take you shopping?"

"If you want to, I guess. I was just gonna do school work, to be honest."

"That's boring," he mumbled, shaking the water off the little fruits. Zayn turned around and handed them to me before turning back to the counter.

"It's boring but I'd like to pass this semester, thank you." I opened the strawberries, picking up a big one and biting into it. Zayn pulled open the drawer, taking a bottle opener from it.

"I didn't mean it like a bad thing. I'm just sayin' being with me is way better than watching an old man talk for hours."

"I do that with you, though."

"Ha, ha." Zayn glares at me and says with the most monotone voice. I looked down at the strawberries, soft giggles coming from me. I hear him getting two glasses from the cabinet and then it shutting. He brings over the wine and sets the glasses down beside me.

"On the bright side, you're a cute old man."

"That's not helping at all," I could see the smile on his face as he poured the wine, filling them halfway. I thanked him as I took mine and sipped the sweet cherry liquid. The song switched to Drunk Texting and I hummed along to it. Zayn chuckled, biting into a strawberry. I reached over and grabbed another one from the carton.

"You got jokes now or something?"

"No, you're just... really cute. I think about that a lot."

"I think about you a lot," It was true, I did. I realized I didn't know as much about him as he probably knew about me.

"Zayn?" He grunts, walking over to his phone to check it. "I don't know much about you. You've got info on me but all I know is you're a CEO and sell weird named drugs."

"That's because there's not much to tell, baby."

"Or maybe that's what you want me to think but I'll figure you out one day Malik. Pour me another glass please."

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