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"Dope and diamonds, dope and diamonds, that's all that I want." Money, Power, Glory - Lana Del Rey


My feet ached as I turned the corner, finally reaching the block I needed to be on. Walking was not my favorite thing in the world, and walking what felt like seven thousand miles definitely wasn't either.

My eyes glanced ahead at the massive building ahead of me, wondering why the hell I even had to come here. Hell, he could've just taped my money to the back of that letter and I could've been at home chilling on my couch.

But no, this guy just had to be difficult.

I reached out and grabbed the door, a cold rush of air hitting me in the face immediately as I stepped in. It took me a moment to decide which reception to walk to, so I headed for the one in the middle. The woman stared blankly down at her computer screen, paying me no attention as she popped her gum. I cleared my throat and she looked up at me, lips curling into a fake smile.

"Are you lost?"

"I, uh," my words jumbled as I began to play with the ends of my coat, "I'm Lana McBride. I was told to come here for some reason."

'Shit, should I have mentioned the Candy Man part?'

The lady looked down at her computer, scrolling through was seemed like a list of names from where I was standing. She furrowed her brow and mumbled something about my name not showing up for any appointments. Her bony fingers reached over and picked up the phone, her other fingers tapping impatiently against the desk.

"Sir there's a Lana McBride here, but there's no appointment or any- Okay sir, I was just checking because you said never let anybody up without an app- but sir! I..yes, I understand you're the boss. Alright, I'll send her up."

She hung up the phone and looked up at me, giving me a cold stare. "You can follow me please, Miss McBride. Mr. Malik will speak with you now." Quickly, she stood up and began walking down the hall, not even bothering to check if I was following her or not.

I managed to get into the elevator before she tried to shut me out, a sigh of relief exhaling from me. I could tell she was extremely pissed, her foot was tapping rapidly against the floor. The sound was annoying, but I kept my mouth shut. The doors opened and she stepped out, continuing with her fast-paced walking. The lady made a sharp left and stopped in front of a door, looking back at me.

"Thank you." I nodded and she scoffed, turning and walking back to the elevators. My hand grasped the cold metal bars as I prepared myself to open the door. Debating on if this was really worth it or not, I began to make a mental note to pray to God after I left the building.

You know, if I make it out alive.

The door flew open, a man who looked highly agitated was standing before me. My mouth was dry as I tried to speak, my body feeling paralyzed as he looked down at me. His pink lips formed a small smirk as he seemed to be relaxed.

"Lana, nice to see you again."

"I.. I don't believe we've met."

He gently took my hand and pulled me in so he could close the door. I tensed a bit as his hand skimmed up my arm, reaching my shoulder and gently pulling my coat off. He hung it up on the rack to his left. The man gestured to the couch over in the middle of the room and I slowly made my way over.

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