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"Oh, what a cute dress. Right now it's useless." Boris - Lo-Fang.


To say I wasn't scared walking through town after dark was a blown out lie. I didn't know why but the dark has always crept me out, starting when I was a little kid. My older brothers would always tease me and make me watch ridiculous scary movies, which ended with me being a fussing mess each time. My mother would scold them while my father muttered the same bullshit, "Boys will be boys."

I hated the fact that I didn't have a car. I mean if I can afford to have my own place I should be able to afford a vehicle, right? My apartment wasn't even that great, to be honest, it was small and somewhat cozy. I didn't live with anyone except my dog, Vriska, who was probably barking like crazy since I wasn't home at my usual time.

Working at this dinner a block or two away from my building was how I got by, but my night activities were what really brought in the money. No, I don't sell my body or anything of that sort. That would bring in more than I get a night though.

I sang at gatherings. I always loved the feeling I got when I would sing. I was that kid who signed up for almost every musical, talent show, or choir class the school offered. Not to brag, but I think I have a pretty great voice. Or at least according to the people who hire me say.

The air was chilly, causing me to halt, allowing me time to adjust my beanie and gloves. My trench coat was really working wonders against the night air, but my bare legs were battling goosebumps that wanted to arise. I should've brought something to change out of after my last show, but I told myself not to. My feet were aching from walking three blocks in heels, but I could care less since my home was only ten minutes away.

I continued to walk, slipping my hand into my buzzing pocket to find my phone. It was an incoming call, and the number was blocked. I wasn't that stupid to just immediately answer the phone. I've watched too many movies to know what happens when a stranger calls.

Hesitantly, I accepted the call and pressed the cold phone to my ear, "Who is this?"

"No 'hello'? How rude." the voice on the other end mused, a low chuckled coming from him. His voice sent shivers down my spine at how he thought this was funny.

"Who. The fuck. Is. This?"

"God, fuck, calm down. I'm calling because you're the one who played at my party tonight. I do believe I owe you some money for it."

A bit of relief washed over me when he said that. I had met the owners of the place, and they seemed somewhat friendly. But then I noticed his accent was different than the guy I met before, and the panic kicked in again. I was debating on hanging up or not before I heard him clear his throat loud enough to interrupt my thoughts.

"But... The guy I met before didn't have an accent like yours... And he said he-"

"Yeah, well, he wasn't the owner. Look, I'm just trying to reward you for the gig. If you don't want the money I will gladly take it and put it back into my bank account."

"No! I mean-"

He broke out into a fit of laughter, leaving me confused and anxious to what he was even doing. I took this time to unlock my door and step in, immediately locking it behind me. Vriska came running up to me, licking against my legs as a 'hello' before running off to the couch where he took a nap.

"I knew you wouldn't deny money, love."

I huffed and kicked off the heels, nudging them to the side. "Of course I wouldn't, I did earn it after all." Shrugging my coat off, I hustled up to my bedroom, sitting on the edge of the mattress.

There was movement coming from the other line, and somebody began calling for someone whose name I couldn't pronounce. I began to think the guy had hung up on me when I heard him sigh and the movement finally died down.

"Look, just come back by that building tomorrow morning and I'll give you your full payment."

Mentally groaning, I nodded my head before remembering he couldn't see me. "Fine, sure. But there's like a reception when you enter. Should I ask for it there or.."

"No," he exhaled and coughed a bit. I assumed he had just lit a cigarette. "Just tell them that the Candy Man sent for you."

And with that, the line died.


'Why am I doing this? It's just a couple of bucks. I could work extra shifts instead. Jesus Christ, what if this man or whatever kills me? Oh, God..'

My thoughts were anything but clear as I power walked down the street, hooking a left at the nearest corner. The streets were busy, which I appreciated since if this candy guy tried to kill me I could scream and somebody would hear it.

The wind whipped at my face, causing me to rub at my cheeks in the effort to warm them. I pulled at my scarf as I headed towards to building, pulling open the door.

There wasn't anything there anymore. All the chairs, tables, counters? All gone. Maybe I had come to the wrong building? Or maybe I had imagined it? I did have quite a bit to drink last night, maybe I imagined I did a show.

No, that sounds dumb.

I began to turn around when I saw a note stuck to the back of the door. It had my name printed out on it, and I could feel my heart beat increase ten fold.

Slowly, I walked towards it, plucking it from the door.


At least he said please.

'Sorry about the empty space, love. Last minute redecorating if you could call it that. Anyways, head down to the Malik & Co. building downtown and tell them your name. Everything will lead up from there. -C.M. xx'


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