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On September 16, 2015, a surprise hit the states. CEO of Malik Enterprises, Zayn Malik, was arrested and revealed as the powerful drug lord our government has been tracking for years, the Candy Man.

We know, it was a big shock to us as well. The loving businessman we all knew turning out to be one of the most wanted men in the earth? Minds were blown. With his helpful cover up as an "American Sweetheart", you would never know the man was so dangerous.

Police tracked him down into his home, bursting in on what seemed to be a little product shift going on. At first, Malik got away with the help of an unknown getaway driver, who was later confirmed to be Lana McBride, a nineteen-year-old university student.

Police blocked their path, circling around the duo's vehicle. An unfortunate event occurred minutes in, though. An officer, who shall remain anonymous for protective reasons, fired two shots at the unarmed female. At that happening, Malik began to protest and does various profanities through tears.

He also threatened the officer who shot and charged at him, only for him to be tasered.

Malik faced the courts and was sentenced to twenty-five years in the pen. Two days later, Malik escaped police custody and is yet again roaming the streets. We have no information on if he is still in the area, or left the country.

Head of police, Marcus Fields spoke up in a press conference about the situation.

"We will try our best to get him back in our custody. Knowing his work, this will be a tricky process, but we will try our hardest to succeed in another manhunt. The most we can say is stay cautious. Thank you."

With that being said, the Malik case will be one of the biggest the year and kept tightly under wraps.


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