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"When I behave badly nobody dare cross me." I Feel Evil Creeping In - Islands


The tapping of my heel against the floor filled the silence of the empty house as I dashed into the bedroom. I shut the door and locked up, moving and grabbing a chair to place under the door knob.

"I'm not going to play this game with you, let me in!" His voice boomed from the other side, the door being hit repeatedly.

Suddenly the pounding stopped the room silent once again. It wouldn't be like this for long, and I walked to behind the door.

I couldn't stay in this room forever, I needed to get out. He was going to kill me unless I kill him first. The only noise was my breathing and the sound of rain hitting the window until the door was roughly hit against. The chair fell out of place and I whimpered, starting to slide down the wall.

"No," I whispered, taking off my heels and preparing myself, "I can't give up. Not yet."

Suddenly the door bursts open, Zayn stumbling inside while holding his shoulder. The room was dark and he hadn't seen me yet as he walked towards the bed. I moved silently around the door, crawling my way out. I was yanked up by my hair, a blood curling scream leaving my lips.

I could hear him chuckle as I began to wriggle away from his grip, yet his hand found one of my wrists and gripped it tightly. His face close to mine, a terrifying grin on his face. I could smell the liquor on him and frowned, continuing to push away.

"Don't be like this, baby. Why are you running away from me?"

That's when I notice his eyes were black. Pitch black, no pupils or anything. What the actual hell?

"You're not Zayn. I don't know what you are but you're sure as hell mental."

"Don't call me that! I'm not mental.." he mumbles something incoherent and rests his head on my shoulder. I take advantage of his calm state, pushing him back. He stumbles and falls onto his back and I turn and rush out the door.

I could hear him scream my name as I bounded down the stairs, slipping on the second to last step. "Fuck!" I winced, holding my ankle as tears formed in my eyes. I looked back up the staircase, seeing Zayn's figure standing there.

I hopped up, running through the living room and into the kitchen. I didn't care how bad my ankle hurt, I was getting out of here. Turning to the counter, I pulled open the drawer and pulled out a knife.

"You wouldn't kill me, Lana. You love me too much."

I froze, my grip on the knife increasing. His shoes tapped softly against the marble flooring as he stepped closer to me. "Don't. Stay back there."

"Or what? Are you gonna cut me? Boo-fucking-hoo."

Zayn chuckles and continues walking and I start walking backward. We stop going in circles around the island counter, him standing across from me with his hands behind his back.

"I'm actually being really nice to you, you know. I could've shot you right between those pretty little eyes when I was upstairs but I thought talking some sense into you would be more reasonable."

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