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All Cihangir could hear was his heavy breathing and the running of people outside of his room, everything else was silent like nothing else existed. He was more than nervous he was more than panicking, he was more than breaking down.

He couldn't wait anymore, he can't just sit there and wait, it was the hardest task he has ever been given in his life. He stood up and left his wing despite the protests of the aghas at the door, he ignored the usual stares of the maids as he passed from in front of the doors only to be stopped by his brother Beyazid who was visiting.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked holding Cihangir back making him stop in his tracks and look up at the older man.

"I can't just sit, I have to do something" Cihangir answered pushing him softly to the side before continuing his journey. He was only a couple of steps away from her room where at least four maids stood at the door. His whole body froze as a pain-filled scream came out of her room, she was hurting, she was not okay. His heart stopped as another scream followed.

She needed him more than anything but he couldn't be there for her, he felt like he was letting her down. With each step he took her screams grew louder and louder making his ears hurt, not from the power or how loud they were, they hurt his ears because it was her voice, it was her pain being expressed through those screams.

He stopped at the door just as it all went silent and time froze, he felt his breath getting heavier and heavier as he waited for a sound, for a scream but nothing came. The doors were pulled open almost slow enough to last years, he looked up at Fahriye Kalfa who emerged from the room stopping in front of him and bowed.

"Is she okay?" Was the first words he was able to get out of his now dry mouth. Her screams will haunt him for the rest of his life and he will get nightmares.

"Sirin hatun is alright .... and so are our small Shehzade and Sultana" He froze and stared. What did she mean?

"Sirin hatun gave you a son and a daughter your highness" Fahriye said as a wide smile took over her face. The maids behind him started whispering amongst each other but their words fell on deaf ears, they were immediately shooed back to the harem by Fahriye Kalfa.

He stepped into the room, his eyes met his mother's first who stood in front of the bed blocking the view, she had a huge smile on her face as she watched him walk into the room. She stepped to the side finally showing ... HER.

She was perched up against many pillows, she was sweaty and exhaustion was evident on her face and body but she was still the most beautiful person Cihangir has ever seen in his life. She looked up at him with a soft smile on her face not caring how tired she was, she did it, she made him a father, she became a mother. She broke their eye contact to look down at the two babies laying beside her on the bed still bloody and dirty but they were both still sleeping peacefully beside their mother in white blankets getting them stained as red as they moved their arms in their sleep.

"Congratulations my lion, may Allah give them a long life," Hurrem said breaking the beautiful silence that fell in the room, Sirin's screams were still echoing in his ears as he looked back at his mother and a smile finally broke on to his face as he nodded at her.

He walked over to the bed and sat beside the woman he loved more than anything in the world. He looked at her as she turned to stare back at him, their eyes spoke a million words as they stared at each other, they loved each other, no ... the word love is too small to describe how they felt about each other.

"How are you feeling?" He asked lowly. He took her smaller hands into his rubbing comforting circles at the back knowing she was still in pain and wanted nothing more than to get rid of that pain.

"Like I'm flying," She said happily. Sirin didn't care that she went through all of that pain to bring these two precious lives to existence, she didn't care that she will no longer be able to sleep at night, she didn't care that her body was no longer the same, she didn't care about anything she was a mother now and her first priority is the children beside her.

"Do you want to hold one of them?" She asked softly. When Cihangir nodded his head she picked the baby nearest her and handed it to him.

"That's our daughter" She pointed out and laid the small babe in his arms. He looked down drinking in the way their daughter looked like as she slept peacefully.

"She has your hair" He pointed out making Sirin grin happily and nod her head. She hated the couple of hours she had to be separated from him and their children as they got cleaned up and checked up and as she too was washed and put back in a now clean bed.

"May Allah give them good luck" Mihrimah Sultan wished smiling brightly at Sirin who was in bed with a pink bundle in her arms as Cihangir sat beside her with a blue one in his. He stood up as his parents walked in, Sirin stayed seated since she couldn't get up or move her lower parts at all.

"Give me my grandson" Suleiman held out his arms with the biggest smile on his face. Sirin already had her hair covered since Shehzade Beyazid was in the room to see his niece and nephew and witness their naming.

"Your name will be Ali-Yahya"

"Your name will be Ali-Yahya"

"Your name will be Ali-Yahya"

Cihangir took his son back from his father. Sirin handed the sultan their daughter and watched with a proud smile as the sultan kissed her forehead before he even starts, she just knew that she will be his favorite.

"Your name will be Humasah"

"Your name will be Humasah"

"Your name will be Humasah"

"May Allah gives them a long life," The Sultan said handing Sirin back her daughter who opened her eyes for the very first time, they were swollen and barely open but you could still see the grey/ blueish tint in them that all of the newborns have but Sirin had an inkling that her daughter will have that color still as long as she lives.

"Amen" Echoed around the room as everyone fell silent to pray to the newborns. Sirin felt protective of the two fragile lives that she was in charge of in front of Allah and everyone else.

"I can't wait for them to play with Osman and Orhan," Beyazid said after everyone finished their prayers. Everyone chuckled already knowing if all of the sultan's grandchildren met under one roof it will be a disaster and the maids in charge will probably kill themselves from the chaos.

Sirin's attention was drawn to the window as fireworks started to explode in the sky celebrating the arrival of her and Cihangir's children, she could hear the cheers of the people as the announcement of the birth was made.

Her gaze moved to Cihangir who was looking down at their son, he never once in his life imagined he would be a father even with that inkling of hope inside of him, this was a dream come true. Their eyes met just as a red firework explode making Sirin jump a little earning a small grin from Cihangir.

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