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"You're probably loving all of this attention" I looked from the maid sitting beside me showing me a new way to sew. I was sitting in the harem with the rest of the girls after so a lot of begging for Cihangir to let me, I felt like I was a prisoner and he let me with conditions.

"Excuse me" I raised my eyebrow as I looked at Nurbanu who was sitting in front of me on the couch with her maid Canfeda standing beside her watching the maids closely as they played with prince Murad

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"Excuse me" I raised my eyebrow as I looked at Nurbanu who was sitting in front of me on the couch with her maid Canfeda standing beside her watching the maids closely as they played with prince Murad.

"I said you must be loving the attention the whole castle is giving you," She said with a smirk on her face as she took a sip from her drink. She was a whiny little girl and now she's acting all-powerful and bratty.

"It's not about the attention Nurbanu, it's about the hardships I and Shehzade Cihangir went through to get this child" I answered back with anger. I was glaring at her as hard as I could, and if looks could kill she would be dead.

"I heard that his Majesty himself is checking up on you with the midwives, for the health of his grandchild," Canfeda said earning the attention of the harem now who were whispering to each other

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"I heard that his Majesty himself is checking up on you with the midwives, for the health of his grandchild," Canfeda said earning the attention of the harem now who were whispering to each other.

"At least he cares about my child," I said back with a smirk. This argument was so out of my zone and I felt horrible talking like this, this was not me.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that my son isn't loved by his grandfather?" Nurbanu asked angrily standing up with a deathly glare on her face.

"I didn't say that" I shrugged my shoulders rolling my eyes at her. She was overprotective over her son and that's understandable but she was overreacting.

"You're acting like you're jealous of her" The maid who was showing me how to sew said smirking up at Nurbanu who looked more than furious.

"Me jealous of her? Why? There's nothing to be jealous of" She scoffed dismissively shaking her head like she couldn't believe they even came up with this conclusion.

"I would be if I were in your position, at least the man I love doesn't have a new woman in his bed every night," I said back also standing up so she won't think I'm weak by not moving.

"Why you..." She stepped forward wrapping her hands on my neck in a choking manner and pressed a little.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER" She froze before pulling her hands away from my neck. We turned around to see Shehzade Selim standing in the middle of the harem watching the whole thing unfold. We all bowed to him. I raised my hand to rub my neck feeling a little ache starting to show itself despite her not pressing too hard to the point of choking.

"What do you think you're doing?" He hissed stepping closer to us making some of the girls take a step back in fear as the fire in his eyes was evident. Selim was not the best prince but he still cared for his younger brother more than the rest of his siblings.

"Sh-Shehzad" She stuttered at a loss of words. What she did was considered a crime in the rules of the harem and she has to get punished for her crime whoever she was.

"Attacking a pregnant woman, she's pregnant with a prince's child and you thought it was a good idea to attack her?" He yelled angrily stepping even closer to her.

"Take the hatun to the infirmary and check up on her" He ordered turning his fierce glare to Emine who trembled under his gaze and ran over to me with Mara and they pulled me out of the harem as fast as they could.

"I'm fine" I tried pulling their hands off but nothing worked and in no time I was in the infirmary laying on my back with the midwife standing up wiping her hands after checking up on me.

"You and the child are perfect hatun," She said making Mara and Emine sigh in relief. I sat up and pushed the extra blanket off after fixing my dress.

"I know that but they worry too much," I said back nodding at the two girls making her chuckle The doors were pushed open and Cihangir came running over to where I sat on the bed. I stood up so we were face to face.

"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly. He placed his hands on my shoulders making me smile at his sweet nature.

"I'm fine. they're overreacting" I answered shrugging my shoulders. He smiled in relief leaning forward kissing my forehead.

"When Selim told me I almost strangled that concubine of his," He said making me laugh along with Mara and Emine.

"Is the child okay?" He asked placing his hand on my stomach. He looked up at the midwife who nodded her answer, he only trusted her to give him an honest answer.

"Come on" He wrapped one arm around my waist and the other held my hand as he helped me out of the infirmary.

"I can walk you know," I said turning my head to look at him. He turned to look at me too with a soft smile.

"I know, but I want to help you, you're already doing all of the work and I feel like I need to help you somehow" He answered kissing my cheek before we emerged in front of the harem. All of the girls jumped up to bow to him, they eyed us with jealousy. They envied our love for each other.

"I want to go to your garden," I said making him stop and smile at me. I haven't been there for a while.

"My garden it is" We started walking again but in a different direction this time. When we got there the flowers were in full bloom and the sun was shining making the place look more beautiful than it already was. I smiled brightly walking over to the railing to look down at the sea waves crashing against the wall.

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