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"SOMEONE HELP!" I jumped up as someone screamed. I pushed my covers off of myself and ran to the other side of the harem just as prince Selim marched in and pushed the curtains away to show the rest of the girls freaking out.

I stepped closer and looked down to see Cecilia laying on her mattress with her wrist slit and blood flowing out, as if this night couldn't get worse first I was told that I will be sent tomorrow to spend a night with a boy I barely know and against my will and now this.

Prince Selim ripped the bedsheets and wrapped it around her wrist to stop the blood from flowing out.

"Call a doctor" he ordered pulling her over to pick her up. I ran out of the harem towards the infirmary to wake them up only to be met with the princes on their way back.

"What's wrong? Why are you running?" Shehzade Beyazid asked as I stopped to bow to them.

"A maid tried to kill herself" I answered sneaking a look at Shehzade Cihangir, he wasn't bad-looking actually he was the opposite he was really handsome.

I bowed again and continued running as I heard Shehzade Selim following me. I barged into the infirmary and ran over to the sleeping doctor and shook her awake.

"A maid tried to commit suicide" I explained as she got up with a frown but it was gone and a face full of concatenation covered it as Shehzade Selim walked in with an unconscious Cecilia.

"You can leave now," he said as he walked out. I bowed and followed him, we parted ways with him to his room and me to the harem where the girls ran over to get an explanation from me about what happened after we left.

"EVERYONE BACK TO SLEEP IMMEDIATELY" Fahriye Kalfa yelled clapping her hands. We all went out separate ways and laid down to sleep. I barely got any sleep that's night thinking between the Shehzade and Cecilia.

What if he himself didn't want me to stay the night with him? Will Hurrem sultan be mad at me and kill me or kick me out of the castle?

Will Cecilia die? Will they punish her for having emotions and feeling sad about her father's death? The rules here are so complicated and hard to remember.

Before I knew it we were being woken up again by Sunbul agha. I changed into my white and blue dress to match the other ladies since I didn't have any duties today and it was the turn of another girl to serve the sultana.

I pushed open a curtain and tied it around a pole just as Mahidevran walked in obviously to ask about the incident that happened yesterday.

We all bowed to her and stood in a line as she started to ask some of the girls at the end of the line.

I saw Hurrem sultan stop at the doors and speak with Sunbul glaring at him probably for forgetting to tell her. Her eyes trialed to me and gave me a stern look which I returned with a bow before she walked away and to her room. 

Sunbul agha walked over to me after Mahidevran sultan walked away. He took my arm and pulled me away from the chaos of the girls running around and cleaning the harem.

"Go to the hmam with her and make sure she cleans well" he ordered pushing me towards one of the harem women.

"Isn't it too early to prepare from now, agha?" I asked pulling my arm away from the harem woman who was about to pull me to the hmam.

"No, you have to be perfect for our prince," he said pushing me again towards the harem woman. She took my arm and started pulling me towards the hmam.

I groaned annoyed and pulled my arm away from her and walked on my own to the hmam. I took off my clothes and pulled on a towel to cover myself before walking in and sitting on a marble seat and let her bathe me.

She washed my hair first with the best smelling soap I've ever smelled then she washed my body before letting me leave the hmam to another room in the harem where I changed into a dress. I was taken back to the harem where they put on my jewelry and accessories.

Sunbul Agha was right it took them a long time to prepare me for the prince. I looked up as he approached me and looked me over with a huge grin on his face as they finished putting on some good smelling perfume.

"Come on, our sultana wants to speak with you before you leave for the prince," he said opening the curtain to let me leave. I stepped down the steps and ignored the stares of the girls, some were jealous and some found this funny that I would be sent to a prince who they called "not full" but that was not the problem, the problem was that I was breaking the promise I did to myself I won't be giving the thing I cherished the most to someone I love I was giving it to a guy I barely knew.

I stepped into the valide room and bowed to Hurrem sultan. She was sat on her throne in front of the fire with her hands in her lap.

"You look beautiful " she complimented as she stood up. She took something from the table beside her, she walked over and placed a piece of accessory on my head.

"Now you are fully ready to leave for my son," she said pulling away and sitting back down on her throne. I bowed to her before leaving the room.

I walked down the corridor with my heart in my throat feeling my heart beating faster than it has ever before. When I reached the doors to the prince's room I took a deep breath before they opened the doors and let me in.

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