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I sighed closing my eyes a little feeling a small headache coming after reading so much, I put a small bookmark in the book Cihangir gave me to read it was in Latin and he insisted I read it to get better at remembering words.

I put the book beside me on the couch and stood up stretching a little feeling my body stiffen from sitting in the same position for hours. I rolled my neck before walking over to the table beside my bed and took the spoon there and filled it with the medicine that stopped me from getting pregnant.

I froze when the doors to my room were pushed open and looked to see Sunbul agha standing at the door with an angry look on his face, his eyes followed my hand to the spoon that was filled with liquid and I was about to drink it.

"Put that away, Hurrem sultan wants to speak with you," He said stepping closer to me. I spilled the liquid back into the bottle before following him out of my room and down the harem to the Valide's wing.

"Sultanim" I bowed to the fuming sultana. I didn't know what was going on or why she was so angry out of nowhere.

"What did you tell Cihangir?" She asked angrily standing up from her throne and stepping closer to me making me take a step back in fear.

"About what sultanim?" I asked fear taking over my body and my hands started to shake and sweat

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"About what sultanim?" I asked fear taking over my body and my hands started to shake and sweat.

"Cihangir came to my room and said he wanted to ask his father for permission to have children while still in the throne's castle" She yelled making me flinch.

"I didn't say anything Sultanim, he mentioned it but I didn't think he was serious" I whispered looking down at the floor feeling tears fill my eyes, I've always hated people yelling at me.

"Why didn't you tell me!! This could ruin Cihangir's relationship with his father!!" She screamed stalking closer to me which made me take even more steps back in fear of her.

"I-I d-didn't think he w-was serious" I whimpered as a tear rolled down my cheek. She was more than just angry, she was furious.

"You stupid girl" She hissed angrily raising her hand and it came crashing down on my cheek making me fall back not noticing how close to the step I was I fell back and came crashing down on the floor hitting my head very hard. Everything was blurry, I could see Sunbul agha in my vision trying to shake me awake but then everything turned black.

I groaned as a sharp pain hit me in the head. I tried to open my eyes but it was painful, I took a deep breath before I opened them. I looked to my right to see Cihangir sitting beside me on the other bed that was empty and he held my hand tightly in his as he watched me wake up worriedly. Behind him stood Hurrem sultan with a scared and worried look on her face.

"What happened?" I asked raising my free hand to my head where I felt bandages wrapped around it.

"You're the one that should tell me, what happened?" Cihangir asked leaning closer to me. His grip tightened on my hand like he was encouraging me to speak. I looked behind him at Hurrem sultan who was looking at me with a pleading look on her face.

"I-I remember leaving the Hurrem sultan's room and then tripping on the stairs" I stuttered as the lie left my lips, I've never been the best liar but I think I did pretty good this time. Hurrem sultan sighed in relief as I lied to save her from the furry of her son.

"You should be more careful," He said scoldingly. He raised my hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss on the back of it smiling softly at me which I returned.

"Mother can you please leave us alone," Cihangir asked looking back at his mother who nodded still a little shaky before walking out of the room.

"Are you sure it wasn't my mother who did this to you?" He asked turning to look at me. I gulped as his gaze hardened a little.

"She has nothing to do with my accident," I said faking a wince to get him to forget about the matter for now.

"Are you in pain?" He asked softly, his gaze immediately changed and he moved to sit in front of me on my bed with worry evident on his face.

"A little" I gave him a smile to show him that I was fine. I will never forget what Hurrem Sultan did to me but I'm not like them, I will not use it against her.

"I talked to my father" he started watching my facial expressions closely. I nodded for him to continue.

"He agreed" He finished with a bright smile on his face. I smiled back feeling tired and wanting nothing more than to sleep.

"Sleep darling, I will stay here by your side," He said pushing some hair that fell out of the bandages out of my face and patted my cheek softly.

He laid down beside me and held me close to him making me lay my head on his arm since he can't lay on his back. I snuggled closer to him wrapping my arms tightly around his middle as he rubbed circles on my back to comfort me.

As I laid in his arms I felt him placing kisses on my forehead every now and then as I fell into dreamland. Did the sultan actually agree? Does that mean Cihangir was serious about having a child? Is that possible in his condition? How will the people react to a prince who will never be sent to a sanjak having a child? Will they try to kill us and the child? Will the baby's uncles kill him when one of them gets on the throne?

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