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"Where's the water, hatun?" Sunbul Agha asked loudly making me fasten my pace with the jug full of water and a towel.

"Finally! Do you need me to bring you a horse for you to come faster?" He asked sarcastically when he saw me run over almost falling from the weight of the jug.

"My apologies agha, they gave me the wrong towel" I apologized fixing my grip on the jug.

"Come on let's go without too much talking," he said harshly and started walking towards the sultana's room where she was waiting for us.

We walked in and straight over to the bed where the sultana was getting up and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Why are you late, Sunbul?" The sultana asked as I started spilling water over her hands while another girl held a pot under her so the water won't hit the ground.

"Excuse me sultana but Helen hatun is new here" he explained glaring at me making me blush and look down but immediately back up at the jug to not spill too much.

"Where are you from, Helen?" She asked as I stopped spilling water and handed her the towel.

"Greece, Sultanim" I answered as she dried her face with the towel before handing it back to me.

"How old are you?" She asked again standing up making me back up to give her space.

"Sixteen, Sultanim" I answered. She nodded her head before walking over to the other side of the room to change her clothes. I looked up at Sunbul who nodded for me to leave the room.

I walked over the door but it opened before I could knock making me stop and look up to see a boy around my age standing there, he looked like a normal guy until you look at his back which was what gave away that he was Shehzade Cihangir.

I stepped to the side and bowed to him making sure to not look up and show him or that I was staying at him to not make him sad or mad.

"Cihangir" the sultana stepped back out from behind the wooden screen in her dress for the day. She opened her arms and pulled him in for a hug. He pulled away from her with a smile before turning to look at Sunbul then me before walking over to the throne in her room and sitting down on it.

Sunbul agha walked over to me and pulled me out of the room. I bowed to him and left to give the jug to one of the harem women to put away.

I walked back into the harem and sat down beside my best friend and our other friends. My best friend was called Fülane she was a girl here in the harem, she came here from Russia, Sunbul gave her a new name since hers was too hard.

"What took you so long?" She asked as I sat down beside her having nothing to do since it wasn't my business to help clean the harem, my only job is to serve Hurrem sultan and at the moment she didn't need me.

"When I was at Hurrem sultan's room Shehzade Cihangir came over to visit" I explained. She nodded before we both turned to look at one of the maids as she spoke.

"I was not just anyone there, I was really important," She said playing with a piece of her hair.

"Don't worry Cecilia maybe you will be able to become a sultana here too" I said smiling at her reassuringly, many of the girls here were from high backgrounds and were forced to become slaves and that hurt their egos so many were really sour about it but learned to swallow their pride and continue on as daughters of Abdullah.

"Did you hear that Mihrimah Sultan will be hosting dinner today for the princes" another maid by the name of Emilia said leaning forward. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Fülane who knew I hated gossip.

"Helen hatun" I looked up as Fahriye Kalfa approached me. I stood up along with the girls and bowed to her.

"Hurrem sultan wants to speak with you," she said. I nodded and bowed before leaving the harem to Hurrem sultan's room.

"MAKE WAY SHEHZADE BEYAZID AND SHEHZADE CIHANGIR " I stepped to the side being joined by many other girls who wanted a glimpse of them. We all bowed as they passed by. I could feel someone's eyes on me but I didn't dare look up from the floor until their backs were towards me.

I continued walking up the stairs to Hurrem sultan's room where she was sat on her throne waiting for me.

"What took you so long?" She asked sternly. I walked up the steps in her room and bowed to her.

"Forgive me sultanim but as I coming here the princes Beyazid and Cihangir passed by" I justified for myself. She nodded and moved her hand for me to step closer to her.

"I want to send you to the halvat," she said. My head snapped up to look at her for the first time. Halvat? To who? She surely doesn't mean the sultan, he's way too old for me besides he's her husband.

"To my son, Cihangir," she said looking up at me for any signs of denial but I had none. I didn't care that the prince had a burden on his back or that he was never going to be in line for the throne.

"I will do anything you desire and I will try my best to make his highness happy" I kneeled down and took her robe in between my fingers and kissed the fabric. She put her fingers under my chin and pulled my head up so I was looking at her.

"I will give you anything of you make my lion happy," she said. She had this look of a helpless mother who didn't know what to do to help her son and I understand.

"All I want is to be your servant for the rest of my life and make you and his highness happy"

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