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"I don't see how this is a good idea" I huffed looking out of the window of the carriage I was in right now riding to Aleppo where Cihangir wished to go so he could see some artist he loved very much but me and the head doctors assistant knew he was just hallucinating.

"His majesty believes that his highness is much better" The harem agha sitting in front of me said. The carriage stopped making me sigh in relief finally able to get out of the carriage. The harem agha stepped down the carriage and helped me down.

I walked into the setup tent and walked over to the bed where Cihangir was laying, they arrive before us yesterday because our carriage broke down. Cihangir was screaming in pain with the Sultan and Shehzade Selim were kneeling in front of him.

"Come, come over fast you help him" The Sultan ordered furiously when he saw me. I walked down in front of my lover who looked up at me still screaming in pain.

"There you are" He cried taking my hands into his. I couldn't help the sob that left my lips as the Sultan kicked everyone out except me and himself.

"He's been asking for you," The Sultan said. Cihangir let out another scream breaking my heart. He was in so much pain and I couldn't do anything about it. The man I loved was dying and I couldn't stop it.

"Dad" Cihangir called making the Sultan run over and kneel down beside me. Cihangir held out his hand with a ring in it.

"This is his ring, It's my brother Mustafa's ring, dad" He explained breathing heavily as the Sultan looked down at him in shock and horror. I held back a sob as he groaned loudly in pain and only let silent tears run down my face.

"He gave it to me. Now keep it with you father" He finished handing the ring to the Sultan before letting out a heartbreaking scream. I couldn't hold the sob back anymore and pulled up his empty hand and kissed it.

"Dad! Dad! Stop my pain! Set me free from this pain! Set your son free from this pain!" Cihangir begged making the Sultan groan in pain, not physical but mental

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"Dad! Dad! Stop my pain! Set me free from this pain! Set your son free from this pain!" Cihangir begged making the Sultan groan in pain, not physical but mental. He took the medicine bottle and handed it to Cihangir who took it and downed it down as he breathed heavily.

Cihangir looked up at me and whispered 'Angel' and smiled tightening his grip on my hand. He looked at me with the most beautiful gaze, a gaze full of love before his eyes closed and his hand went limbless in mine.

"Cihangir" The Sultan called rubbing his cheek but he earned no answer back. I closed my eyes and leaned down so our foreheads were touching. Tears fell down my face like a river but I didn't dare let out one sound because if I did I will never stop screaming as the worst kind of pain hit me right in my heart.

I took a deep breath unable to breathe anymore. I pulled away and looked at my lover as the Sultan pulled him in for a hug crying over his body. The mere sight made me want to scream. I stood up only for my world to turn black as a scream left my lips.


The carriage I was in suddenly stopped. The harem agha who has been with me this whole journey opened the doors to show the muddy road from the heavy rain outside. He helped me walk down the steps in my black dress, black cloak, and black shawl.

I could see the two remaining princes standing in front of each other with Selim's hand on Beyazid's shoulder. Beyazid walked over to the carriage behind him and helped down a figure as I walked over to the carriage carrying Cihangir's coffin and stood beside it waited for the figure to reach me.

I couldn't help the tears from flowing as Hurrem Sultan yelled her son's name and ran over to me. When she reached the carriage she leaned against the carriage for a second before ordering the harem agha with me to open the coffin.

"Don't touch him" She ordered before he could open the shroud. She reached forward and opened it herself and burst out crying.

"No, Cihangir, my soul" She cried before seeming to fall into a trance. She pulled away from the carriage and stared forward before falling on her back unconscious. I kneeled down beside her and held her head up placing it on my lap as her sons reached her and kneeled down beside her laying form with Sunbul agha standing over my head looking down at his Sultana.

I stood beside Mihrimah Sultan with unending tears streaming down my face as we watched my lover's coffin pass through the harem. The twins were standing in front of me with my hands on each of their shoulders as they watched in confusion.

I looked down at the two-four years old watching as girls all around the harem were crying me amongst them. Ali-Yahya hugged my leg to make me feel better making me smile a little and whipped his hair out of his face as he looked up at me with his puppy eyes.

I sat down beside Mihrimah Sultan on the floor with my hair covered as a shaikhah prayed behind us. I ignored everyone around me and hugged my two precious children close to me. I looked up as Hurrem Sultan stood up and walked out of the harem screaming at everyone to leave her alone.

"Come on" I stood up and guided the twins out of the harem ignoring the now pity filled stares, I would have endured the jealous stares for the rest of my life if that meant having Cihangir by my side.

I walked into my room and laid down in my bed with the twins beside me. I held them close as they fell asleep in my arms, I've missed them since I've left the capital to stay by Cihangir's side. I closed my eyes crying silently to not wake them up as they slept like angels. I wish Cihangir was here by my side holding us all close.

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