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"Sirin" I jumped up and looked at the door where Shehzade Beyazid burst through. He looked worried and scared, making me panic.

"We have to go, Selim and his men gained on us," He said worriedly. I took a deep breath, I turned around to look at a sleeping Ali-Yahya. I walked over and picked him up and walked over to him and handed him to Shehzade Beyazid.

"Go, save him," I said smiling softly at him. He looked at me with a confused look on his face, he turned his gaze down to the eleven years old in his arms who was still sleeping.

"What are you talking about?" He asked looking up at me again. I leaned down and kissed Ali-Yahya's forehead as tears started burning my eyes.

"Sometimes we have to sacrifice the most important things in life to save our souls and Ali-Yahya is half of my soul and Humasah is the other half, I can't protect half and forget about the other half," I said looking up at the Shehzade in front of me as tears fell down my eyes.

"We will meet again," He said stubbornly. I shook my head making his face fall, there was only one way for my son to survive.

"We will, but in the other world," I said with a smile. I leaned down and kissed Ali-Yahya on the forehead again. Without another word Beyazid leaned forward and kissed my forehead to show how proud of me he was, he saw me as a sister and that made me feel happy and honored.

I walked over to the window and watched as Beyazid got on his horse and rode away with half of my soul. I walked over to my box and pulled out a dress I sewed but never got to wear in front of my lover.

I opened the front door of the farm just as Selim stopped his horse and a carriage stopped behind him. I turned to Hanim Hatun who nodded at me with a soft smile and walked back in, so she could run away from the back door before they could circle the house.

I walked closer to the Shehzade who got off his horse and took a couple of steps closer. He seemed shocked at how I came out so willingly and so vulnerable, with no sword nor any other weapon.

"Sirin hatun" He called out. I continued walking closer until we were only a couple of feet away from each other. My gaze moved towards the carriage, the doors were pulled open and Nurbanu walked down the steps with a frown on her face.

"Where is Ali-Yahya?" Selim asked earning my attention again. I sighed and looked down at my feet before turning back towards him. I pushed the extra skirt of my white dress to the side and pulled out a piece of parchment. I rolled it open to show a drawing of a beautiful girl not older than seventeen.

"This picture is of my older sister, she was killed trying to protect me and my other sister" I started showing Shehzade Selim the picture, he seemed confused as to why I was saying any of this.

"That day we both fought, I was jealous of her because she was my parents' golden child, but not for one second did she hesitate to jump in front of me and protect me" I continued pushing my hand forward. He took the parchment from me and looked down at the picture.

"At that moment I understood that no matter what our love will never weaver and we will always love and protect each other, but before I could apologize the pirates killed her right in front of my eyes" I finished holding my hands into fists around the skirt of my dress.

"She's very beautiful," Selim said looking back up at me from the parchment. I could see from the side of my eyes Nurbanu walking over to us.

"There's no time for this, just tell us where Ali-Yahya is," She said angrily. Selim raised his hand silencing her making her look at him in shock.

"I learned that day that blood doesn't turn into water, but you seem to have forgotten that Cihangir and Beyazid are your brothers too or you would have not come here to kill Cihangir's son" I finished turning to look at Nurbanu.

"Sometimes the devil whispers and plays with our minds" Nurbanu was about to charge at me but Selim stopped her. I turned back to look at him, his eyes were holding so much guilt but he didn't stop which means he is too deep in.

"If you want Ali-Yahya, go and get him" I opened my arm in a welcoming manner. With a signal from Nurbanu guards ran into the house ready to bring the small body of my boy. They ran back out with what looked like a body of a small boy in Ali-Yahya's cloths but they slipped from their hands to show pillows in his place.

"Where is he?" Nurabanu screamed angrily stepping closer to me but this time Selim didn't stop her.

"In my heart and soul, where he belongs" Was my answer. She stormed over to me angrily but her face changed to a smirk.

"Kill this traitor she's with the rebellion," She said standing back and watched as her most trusted, Gazanfer agha, walked over to me and held a knife to my neck.

"Remember Nurbanu, never underestimate people who you do not see as a threat," I said looking her in the eye while she glared at me. I closed my eyes as the cold blade slid from one side to the other and everything ended.

I fell to my side on the soft grass. I looked up as a white light fell down from the sky and stopped in front of me. The light dimmed and the person I loved most in the world appeared in front of me, He held out his hand out to me, I reached out and let him help me up. I turned to see myself on the floor, dead.

"Let's go" I turned around and smiled at him. He pulled me closer and kissed my forehead as he did so many times years ago.


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