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"Hatun" I looked up from where I sat beside Fülane on the couch in the harem. One of the harem aghas stood beside me looking down at me, I stood up so we were face to face.

"Shehzade Cihangir is asking for you in the private garden," He said making me grin and nodded before running to my room to get a shawl to cover my head before leaving as fast I can to the private garden.

I walked through the trees looking at the beautiful flowers surrounding me like a cover from any danger. there were many flowers of many colors and I'm sure you could find any color you want.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I turned around to see the prince behind me. I bowed before walking over to him with a soft smile.

"It's the most beautiful garden I've been into in my life" I answered stepping beside him so we could walk side by side. He offered me his hand which I took and wrapped my own around it.

"You've been to many?" he asked looking down at me

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"You've been to many?" he asked looking down at me. I still don't get how he was taller than me despite his condition.

"Yes, my father was a gardener and he used to take me and my sisters with him to work," I said with a fond smile on my face.

"Tell me about your family," He said stopping in front of very beautiful jasmines that filled the area with a heavenly smell that I loved very much.

"Well my father was a gardener like I said earlier and my mother loved to sew so she would make clothes and send them to the poor for free since we didn't need the money. I had two sisters, one older and one younger, my older sister was killed the day I and my younger sister were kidnapped, I don't know where she is or if she's still alive" I said taking a deep shaky breath to not burst into tears right then and there.

"What were your names?" He asked kindly smiling up at me encouragingly like he knew the pain and I'm sure he did since he lost his older brother Mehmed to a sickness.

"My older sister was called Lilliana and my younger sister was called Julia" I answered smiling at the names, they've been on my mind since day one.

"What about?" He pressed softly like he didn't want to pressure me but at the same time, he wanted an answer.

"Helen" I answered shortly. Hurrem sultan changed my name just before I was sent to the prince, I didn't like having to change my name but I didn't have a say in it besides I loved the name Sirin now.

"That's a beautiful name" He complimented making me grin and nod in agreement, my old name was really beautiful and it also was my grandmother's name.

We continued walking around the beautiful garden arms linked and mouths moving as we talked about everything and anything, I have no idea how much we still had to say even after spending hours talking during the nights we sleep side by side. I looked at the castle in front of us where I'm sure the maids were cleaning the rooms and harem, my eyes wandered to the sultan's wing where I saw him standing watching us, or so it looked, it was too far away for me to see.

I think he was looking at me and Cihangir walk around arms linked and talking looking like two starstruck people. I couldn't see but I was sure he was smiling softly, I know how much his son Cihangir meant to him. he nodded at me before walking back into his room.

"What do you think of the tulips?" Cihangir asked earning my attention again. I looked at the purple flowers he was showing me.

"They're beautiful" I answered touching the beautiful pettle with a huge grin on my face as the feeling of my father being around filled me, he was not here but whenever I'm near flowers I feel like he was.

"They represent my family" He explained. I already knew that having been taught that in classes.

"Aghas, make sure Sirin hatun comes here whenever she wants" He ordered the two aghas behind us making me blush and turn back to smell the flowers to hide my red face from him.

"You must be cold, let's go back in," He said now noticing the thin dress I was wearing. I haven't noticed how cold it had gotten, I shivered a little and nodded my head, and let him lead me back into the castle even though I would've rathered staying here for the end of time between the flowers.

He pulled me to his room and forced me to sit in front of the fireplace that provided warmth and light at the same time, he wrapped a blanket around my shoulders and made me hold the front of it to cover as much as possible.

We sat on cushions in front of the fireplace with hot herbs in our hands to drink so they could warm our insides and at the same time shield us from getting sick. Cihangir had finished his a while back and was laying on his side with his head on my lap as I sipped mine slowly savoring the sweet taste.

"This is so calming," He said with a drowsy voice looking at the dancing fire. The light it illuminated cause Cihangir's face to glow which made him more handsome than he already was.

"It is, we should do this more" I answered before taking a sip of my now almost cold drink but I was almost finished with it. Cihangir suddenly sat up making me pull the cup to the side to not spill it on him or myself and placed it on the table beside us.

"I want children," He said suddenly making me choke on my own spit. He patted my back softly to help me through it.

"It's not allowed my prince" I stated looking at him with a raised eyebrow, I just spoke about this with Hurrem sultan a week or two ago and she was really strict about not breaking the rules.

"I will speak with my father for an exception, I will never go to a sanjak and I want to have a child with the woman I love and that's the only way we could" I felt my heart flutter when he said he loved me.

"I love you too" I whispered breathlessly from the impact of his words on my heart. He leaned over and kissed my lips like there was no tomorrow, I never thought I would be loved in front of a fireplace but here we were.

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