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"Sultana, his majesty executed Shehzade Mustafa, he's dead" I froze as the words reached my ears. Shehzade Mustafa was dead? The poor Shehzade didn't even commit a crime. Cihangir must be devastated.

"Mommy, what does executed mean?" Ali-Yahya asked pulling on my robe bringing me back to reality. I signaled Mara to take them to their room which she did immediately. I stood up and walked out of the harem where all of the girls were crying and screaming for the loss of the prince.

I walked down the golden road for the first time in my life with a shawl on my hair. I stopped in front of the guard and signaled him to tell Shehzade Beyazid that I was outside of his door, and he did.

"Shehzade Beyazid is waiting for you" I nodded and walked into the Sultan's room. I bowed to the grieving prince, he was wearing all black with tear stains on his face.

"I apologize your highness, I know this is not the best time but..." I started not knowing how to start this conversation.

"First of all, I am so sorry for your loss Shehzade Mustafa was innocent and they killed him for no reason" I sighed sadly trying hard to hold back my sadness to not make Shehzade Beyazid feel worse.

"Thank you, Sirin. Tell me what you need and do not worry, I will try to help you as much as I can" He said reassuringly smiling softly at me. The poor Shehzade was broken from his brother's death.

"I wish to go to the campaign camps, I wish to be beside Cihangir during these hard times, he must be devastated" He nodded understandingly.

"Do not worry, I will prepare the carriages for you to leave tomorrow, I will accompany you for a while but you will have to continue alone from Bursa" I nodded and bowed as my thanks before leaving the room. I hope I can help him.

"Is everything ready?" I asked Mara who nodded her head. I stood up and walked over to the woman and pulled her in for a hug.

"Take care of the twins" I ordered pulling away from her and nodded at the sleeping forms of the children. I turned to Emine and hugged her too before I walked out of my room and down the harem. The girls bowed to me before I walked out of the castle and down the garden towards the carriages. Shehzade Beyazid helped me into my carriage before getting on his horse and lead the way.

As the days passed I got more and more worried. I pushed the small curtain at the window, I nodded at Shehzade Beyazid before my carriage started moving again leaving behind the Shehzade and his guards and we continued towards the camp.

I pulled my coat closer around myself and covered hair good with the shawl before the doors were opened to the now stopped carriage. I took the hand offered to me and stepped down the steps until I reached the floor. I could feel the eyes of every single soldier on me as their leader walked over to us.

"Who is she and what is she doing here?" He asked his hand on his sword probably in case I was Hurrem Sultan so he could kill her for doing this to Shehzade Mustafa.

"This is Sirin Sultan, the favorite of his highness Shehzade Cihangir and the mother of his children, she came here on the orders of Shehzade Beyazid to be by our Shehzade's side" One of the harem aghas that came with me explained. The leader put his sword back down and backed away looking down at the floor since no one was allowed to look at the woman of the castle. The Janissaries parted a way to me as I started walking mindlessly not knowing where Cihangir's tent was.

The way they opened led to a tent which is probably Cihangir's. I could see one of the guards came over from the biggest tent in the camp. I ignored him and continued walking towards the tent feeling my heart in my throat.

I pushed the tent flaps to the side to see Cihangir laying on his side screaming in pain. I couldn't help the tears that fell from my eyes at the mere sight. I walked closer to see his sweaty form and chapped lips, his eyes were rimmed red from the crying he did.

"Cihangir" I whispered kneeling down beside his mattress. I placed my hand on his hair and pushed some of his hair out of his face. He looked up at me almost like he didn't recognize me before smiling slightly.

"My angel" He whispered back placing his hand on my cheek. I took it in mine and kissed the back of it. He raised himself up and let me sit on his mattress before laying his head on my lap and let me play with his hair as his groaning ceased and he fell asleep.

I looked up as the tent flaps opened harshly to show a furious Sultan Suleiman, he stopped when he saw his son asleep on my lap. His eyes softened and he walked over to me and kneeled in front of me placing his hand on Cihangir's cheek.

"The Shehzade finally fell asleep after days, this hatun is was his medicine all along," One of the two doctors said happily. I closed my eyes letting my tears flow down my cheek at the horrible situation we were in right now.

"Or she's his bridge to paradise," The other one said gloomily. I opened my eyes and looked at the Sultan who looked up at me.

"Either way, stay by his side" The Sultan ordered before getting up and walking over to the tent flaps.

"Double the guards and protect the hatun as long as she's here" He ordered one of the guards at the door who bowed and ran out to get more guards. The Sultan left leaving me alone with Cihangir and the two doctors.

I looked down at the man I loved more than anything, the father of my children. What is this time we reached? How did our heaven turn to this hell? I leaned down so I was on the level of his ear.

"I love you my lion. Our Ali-Yahya loves you. Humasah loves you" I whispered in his ear. He smiled in his sleep as he heard. I looked up at the doctor with tears streaming down my face, we both knew what he said was true, I was his...

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