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"shh darling, mommy's right here" I whispered swaying side to side with Ali-Yahya in my arms calming down from his crying. I leaned down and kissed his forehead smiling lightly as he flailed his arms. My darling boy just woke up from his nap while Humasah woke up a couple of minutes before him now calm in the arms of Emine who sat on the couch with Mara beside her playing with my baby. I looked up from the baby when I heard the door open to show Hurrem Sultan walks in with a grin on her face.

 I looked up from the baby when I heard the door open to show Hurrem Sultan walks in with a grin on her face

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"Sultanim, welcome" I smiled at her and bounced Ali-Yahya again as he started getting fuzzier. She walked over and took him from me with a huge grin on her face swaying him slightly. He looked up at her with his huge eyes full of wonder at the new person he saw for the day.

"I came to check up on my grandchildren," She said sitting down on my bed with Ali-Yahya still in her arms. She looked down at him with a huge smile on her face, I knew she will spoil them to no end since they were the children of her favorite son.

"They are perfect Sultana and like you instructed the doctors check up on them every day," I said taking Humasah from Emine before she and Mara left the room to bring us some refreshments. I sat down beside her with the much calmer babe in my arms, I started noticing that Ali-Yahya was much fuzzier and Humasah was much calmer.

"amazing, I don't want you to neglecting them" She warned turning to look at me. I nodded and turned to Emine who walked with a tray with cups full of juice on. I kneeled down beside my bed where two small cribs were, I placed Humasah in her before taking Ali-Yahya from Hurrem Sultan and placed him in his own bed.

"How have you been?" She asked as I sat down beside her again on the bed and took one of the cups from the tray. I took a sip before turning fully towards her.

"I'm very good, thank you for your concern Sultana" I smiled at her. I turned to Ali-Yahya who seemed more than annoyed about being restricted in his bed and let out a small groan as he flailed his arms.

"Good, I hope you're taking the herbs the doctors have been sending you for your milk," She said. I nodded my head and held out my cup as a way to show that my juice had some of those herbs.

"Do not worry Sultana, I am ready to do anything for my children" I answered placing my cup on the coffee table beside the bed as she stood up and handed her cup to Emine. I stood up and bowed to her which she returned with a nod before leaving the room.

"I heard something in the harem," Emine said walking over and taking my cup from me when I was done drinking from it. I nodded at her to continue.

"I heard that Nurbanu Sultan gave birth to triplets daughters not long after you gave us the twins," She said. I raised my eyebrow at her as she handed the tray with the cups to one of the maids who stood at the door.

"I told you she was jealous of you, she got pregnant immediately after she found out about your pregnancy" Mara spoke making Emine smirk. I shook my head with a smile on my face.

"Don't say such things, it's Allah who gives us the gift of children, not jealousy" I stood up and walked over to my vanity table and sat down in front of the mirror picking up my hairbrush and started brushing my hair.

I looked up when the doors were pulled open and Cihangir walked in, he raised his hand stopping me from getting up and bowing to him. I turned back to the mirror and continued brushing my hair. I watched through the mirror as Emine handed him Humasah since he can't kneel down and pick up any of the children in his condition. He leaned down and kissed her forehead before taking her small hand into his and let her hold onto his forefinger. I looked at Mara and Emine signaling them to leave us alone.

I placed the brush down on the vanity table and walked over to him where he sat on my bed and took a seat beside him on my bed. I rested my chin on his shoulder making sure to not hurt him and looked down at our daughter.

"You're going to spoil her once she grows up," I said lowly to not break the calm atmosphere. He chuckled and nodded his head in confirmation, Humasah and Ali-Yahya will be the most spoiled children this dynasty has ever seen.

"She's my little girl, how can I not besides she looks like you like I have prayed" He turned to look at me with a glint in his eyes. He leaned forward-leaning his forehead with mine making me smile softly.

"I pray to see her a beautiful bride one day," He said lowly kissing my cheek as I grinned happily. This moment was one of my favorite moments in life, Cihangir, Humasah, Ali-Yahya, and me all in one place happy and close to each other.

"It's a little early for that don't you think?" I asked softly taking her from him and placed her back in her crib before sitting back up straight beside him.

"Yes it is, I can't even imagine sleeping in a different room let alone live in different castles" He sighed turning his body to face mine and took my hands into his bigger ones that were warmer than mine.

"Are you taking care of yourself as I ordered you?" He asked me rubbing comforting circles on the back of my hands. I smiled at him, I loved how he cared for me even if he didn't have to.

"I have, don't worry me and the kids are doing just fine" I reassured him patting his hand. He stood up and walked over to the mirror and started unbuttoning his coat. I walked over to him and pulled his coat off of his shoulders and threw it softly on the chair beside the mirror. I wrapped my arms around his waist looking at him in the mirror, he was the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life.

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