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I walked deeper into the room before dropping down on my knees. I could see the prince from the side of my eye turn around from the mirror and walk over to where I kneeled. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as he grew closer and was on the verge of fainting from his nervous I was.

His soft fingers slid under my chin before pulling my head up

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His soft fingers slid under my chin before pulling my head up. I stood up and looked at him in the eyes, despite his situation he was still a tad bit longer than me. His blue eyes studied my face closely.

"What's your name?" He asked lowly like he was scared of scaring me.

"Sirin" I answered back with a slight shake in my voice.

"Do you know what your name means?" He asked kindly. I shook my head since I really didn't know. Hurrem sultan gave me that name when I moved here since my name was too hard to pronounce.

"It means, sweet or cute" he explained taking my hand into his and pulling me over to the bed and let me sit down on it before joining me.

"Where do you come from?" He asked, softly pushing some of my long blonde hair back.

"I don't remember, I was kidnapped when I was really young, your highness" I answered looking down at our still intertwined hands on his lap.

"Call me Cihangir," he said pulling my face up so we were looking at each other again.

"You have quite beautiful eyes" I blurted out without thinking, I blushed when I realized what I said and he chuckled softly.

"You have quite beautiful hair," he said back making me smile. He leaned closer slowly giving me space to pull away but I didn't. He locked our lips for the first time together, we were both unsure what to do having never done this before in our lives but soon got the hang of it.

"How long have you been in the harem?" He asked as we laid in bed facing each other. We were both bare and only covered by the silks of the bed but we were unfazed by that as we spoke with each other trying to find out more about each other.

"About seven years, I was bought very young but Sunbul Agha told me that I've been here around seven or eight years" I explained moving my hand through his hair.

"May I try something?" he asked. I nodded and watched him as he sat up and pulled in his pants and shit probably uncomfortable from being naked so I pulled on my dress too. We laid back in bed and I waited to see what he wanted to do. He laid on his stomach with his head on my chest and he let me run my fingers through his soft curls.

"I haven't been this comfortable laying down in so many years" he admitted truthfully. I kissed his forehead feeling horrible that he has to go through so much pain so young.

"You have me now and whenever you want I will be here for you" I whispered as he started to drift off. I kissed his forehead again before falling asleep myself.

"Come on Sirin hatun pack your things so we could move you to the favorite's room" Sunbul agha ordered as the harem men open the doors for us and let us into the harem.

"When you're done go to Hurrem sultan's room she wants to speak with you," he said before leaving. I bowed to him then walked over to the closet with our things, I put my things in a small cloth and tied it before being escorted by harem women to my new room ignoring the envious looks, even the ones that thought this was ridiculous were jealous that I had no work anymore and would be moving to a much more comfortable bed.

I put my things in their new places fast before leaving my room to Hurrem sultan's room. I walked in and bowed to her and Mihrimah sultan who was visiting.

"You asked for me, sultanim" she nodded her head and signaled for me to sit down on a cushion on the floor.

"How did everything go yesterday?" She asked holding her hands on her lap.

"Everything went perfectly sultanim and I spent the entire night with our Shehzade and I hope I made him happy as you instructed" she nodded her head as she listened to every word I said.

"You did, Cihangir was really happy this morning and the smile couldn't be wiped off his face," Mihrimah sultan said making Hurrem sultan smile. I know how much she loves him especially after finding out about his problem and feeling responsible for it, she blamed herself that he had such a problem because she thinks Allah was punishing her for her mistakes through her son Cihangir.

"His highness made me happy too," I said shyly looking down at my hands. Hurrem sultan laughed and patted my shoulder.

"I will send your gifts to your room," she said. I shook my head at her making her confused.

"Being able to spend time with his highness is enough" I said. Mihrimah sultan laughed a little knowing already that I started to like her brother and was not only doing this for money and jewelry.

"Go rest, I'm sure Cihangir will ask for again tonight" I stood up and bowed before leaving for the hmam.

I took a quick bath before going back to my room and laid in bed thinking about the prince, he was nice, handsome, and really smart. He considered my feelings and didn't just use me like some doll and that was what made me start falling for him and I was falling fast because the longer I thought of him the faster my heart skipped. Will he love me just as much? Did he like me or did he let me stay because he felt guilty or sorry for me? I doubt it, he seemed really happy and I am really happy too, I feel giddy around him.

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