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"The carriage is ready, Sultanim" A now more aged Emine said bowing to a blonde figure sitting on a couch reading a book. The blonde female closed the book in her hand and stood up, she walked over to the only box in the room and opened it, she placed the book in the box before closing the box and locking it. She took the key out and attached it to a chain and locked it around her neck and hid the key under her dress.

"Be careful with this box" She warned looking at Emine who nodded her head. Emine walked over and picked up the box herself.

The blonde figure walked out of the room and down a small harem where everyone bowed to her with their heads down not daring to look up from the floor. She walked out of the castle and down the garden towards the carriage.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sultanim?" Emine asked as aghas opened the doors of a carriage. The blonde figure turned to look at the woman in front of her.

"I've never been more sure," The blonde girl said with a soft smile on her face. She got into the carriage and sat down on one side and Emine sat down in front of her and placed the box beside her on the seat. The blonde figure took out the key and gave it to Emine who opened the box and took out the book and handed it to the blonde girl in front of her. The girl read red through that book the entire journey and until they reached their destination, she gave the book to Emine who locked the box after placing the book inside and handed the key back to the blonde woman.

Emine got out of the carriage first and held out her hand and helped the blonde girl down the carriage who stood and looked at the people in front of her, every single one of them.


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