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"Sultanim" I stood up from the couch where I sat with Humasah on my lap, I held her to my hip as I bowed to Hurrem Sultan who just nodded.

"How are my grandchildren?" She asked walking over to where I stood and picked up Ali-Yahya and kissed his cheek.

"Much better now that you have graced them with your presence" I answered placing Humasah down on the floor so she could hug her grandmother.

"Grandma, can we go visit daddy in heaven?" Humasah asked looking up at her grandmother with her big blue eyes not knowing the impact of her words on either of us.

"When the time is right, darling" Hurrem Sultan answered patting her on her head and also placing Ali-Yahya down on the floor as tears filled her eyes but she held them back.

"The Sultan thinks it's better if you leave to pearl castle in Adana, and I agree with him," She said taking a deep breath. My eyes widened and I looked down at the children who ran over to Fahriye Kalfa who had presents for them from Hurrem Sultana.

"And your children will be with you, do not worry" She patted my shoulder before leaving my room. I walked over to the children and kneeled down beside them as they played with their new toys.

"Mara, Emine, come here" I called for my most trusted maids. They walked out of the extra room and bowed to me.

"Prepare our things, we will be leaving to the Pearl Castle in Adana by his majesty's orders," I said. They bowed before getting started.

"You like your new toy?" I asked Ali-Yahya who nodded happily making me smile a little for the first time in weeks.

I took hold of the twins' hands as we walked down the harem, I stopped in front of the harem doors and looked over the maids that used to stare at me every time I walked by, they were all bowing to me in respect with their heads bowed down. I walked over to Fahriye Kalfa who stood at the very front of the line.

"Take care of yourself and our Shehzade and Sultana" She smiled softly at me. I nodded my head before moving my gaze to the balcony looking down at the harem. Hurrem Sultan was standing there with her daughter, Mihrimah Sultan, standing beside her. I nodded at the both of them before I continued walking out of the harem.

I stopped in the middle of the garden and turned around to look at the palace one last time. I looked at every balcony, every collum, I memorized every inch of this castle during my time here. My eyes trailed towards the secret garden, it couldn't be seen from here but I know exactly where it was.


I walked down the corridor all alone. I walked through the secret passageway that led to the secret garden. I walked over to the jasmines first, they were all dying and so were the roses and Daliahs, like they knew their Gardner and caretake was no longer with us.

"I promise, Cihangir, I will take care of our children until my last breath" I whispered kneeling down in front of the Jasmines. I took one of the flowers and pulled them closer and smelled it, it barely had a scent but it was more than enough.'

-End Of Flashback-

"Come on, children" I helped Ali-Yahya up the steps and into the carriage before helping Humasah. I looked at the garden where I and Cihangir used to take long walks before turning around and getting in after the children.

"How are you feeling?" Mara asked earning my attention from the window as the carriage started moving. I was sitting on one side of the carriage with Humasah sitting beside me while Mara sat on the other side with Emine beside her and Ali-Yahya was sat on Emine's lap.

"I'm fine" I answered shortly looking down at Humasah who shifted to lay down and placed her head on my lap closing her eyes tightly like she did when her father asked her to sleep. I placed my hand on her head and started playing with her hair.

"Get some sleep Sultana, our way is very long" Mara suggested. I nodded and looked back down at my sleeping daughter. Despite the children being four almost five they both were still wearing black from head to toes just like me and my maids.

I took a deep breath like Cihangir always instructed me to not get a panic attack, I stepped down the steps of the carriage in front of the pearl castle in Adana. Mara and Emine helped the children down the steps and each held one of their small hands.

"Welcome Sultana, I am Mahmoud pasha, I am the governor of Adana and I will be in charge of your comfort as long as you stay here" A middle-aged man spoke stepping forward and bowed to me with his eyes facing the ground.

"Thank you, Pasha," I said nodding my head at him before I walked towards the castle. I walked into the small harem where there was a decent amount of maid, maybe around twenty, bowing to me.

"Sultana, I am Ayse Kalfa, I am in charge of the harem" A young woman stepped forward and bowed to me and threw the small children a smile, they both shied away and hid behind the skirts of Mara and Emine.

"Nice to meet you Ayse Kalfa, can you please lead us to our rooms, we are all tired from traveling" She nodded and led the way down the harem and towards our rooms.

I looked around the room assigned to me, it was the second biggest room in the castle, the biggest being only for the sultan. I took off my cloak and handed it to Mara who took it and left for the extra room. I sat on the bed and pulled the children up to sit on either side of me.

"Mommy, will daddy visit us here?" Ali-Yahya asked looking up at me. I looked down at him and kissed his forehead not knowing what to answer, how do you explain to a child that they will never ever be able to see his father again especially if they're used to seeing him every day.

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