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"So this here is the White Sea?" I asked pointing at the map in front of me. Cihangir stepped closer to me and placed his arm around my waist resting his hand on my hip as he leaned over my shoulder to see where I was pointing, using the couple of inches he had more than me to his advantage.

"Exactly, and that's the Black Sea," he said pointing a little higher where it was. I nodded determined to learn its place.

"How can you memorize so much?" I asked looking at him. He turned his head to look back at me and smiled a little when he saw the frown on my face.

"I've been learning about this for years and with a little more time you will memorize than just like me" he encouraged pushing some hair behind my ear. He leaned down and kissed my shoulder. I turned around and faced him as he walked over to his couch and sat down. My eyes trailed behind him to the window and watched as some birds flew by twittering happily.

"When was the last time you left the palace?" He asked, snapping me back to reality. I looked at him and shrugged a little.

"A couple of weeks ago" I answered turning back to the map determined to learn more about the world we live in.

"Come on" he stood up again and pulled me out of the room. I didn't protest and followed him. We went through some secret corridors I've never seen before. I walked in behind him only to find myself out but at the same time in.

I stepped forward letting go of his hand as I looked around me, there were beautiful flowers everywhere and the sun was shining brightly down on us through an opening in the wall.

"Where are we?" I asked turning around to face him. He stood there watching me with a soft smile which made me blush.

"This is my secret garden, I'm the only one who knows about it" he answered stepping closer to me and taking my hand into his. He pulled me closer to the opening, I looked over the edge to see the sea waves crashing against the wall as she salty smell filled my senses.

"This is like a second heaven," I said turning to look at him. He laughed at my words and watched me as I stepped back down and over to the flowers touching them softly.

"These are red Roses" I pointed out turning to look at him, he nodded his head to confirm.

"These are whit roses, they're very rare," I said to the flowers just beside the red one. I moved on to the other flowers.

"There's are lilies," I said giggling as one of them tickled my palm.

"These are jasmines, my favorite" I sighed happily as I smelled the flowers with my eyes closed memorizing the smell not knowing when I will smell them again.

"These are Daliahs," I said pointing at the orange flowers.

"You seem to know your flowers well," he said stepping down the step and over to me.

"Like you know your maps" I pointed out making him laugh and now his head.

"Do you like this secret garden?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Like it? I love it! This is like our secret heaven" I said making him laugh as my voice got squeaky from excitement.

"That is if you want me to come here" I looked down at my hands.

" I would love to have company every time I come here" he pulled my face up before pulling my lips closer to his and kissed them. I sighed happily against his lips, I didn't care that he wasn't like his brothers what matters to me was that he liked me just as much as I liked him.

"I should go back to the harem before Sunbul agha builds my hanger" (it's an Arabic term that means he wants to kill her verbally for doing something's she's not supposed to) Cihangir laughed and let go of my waist.

"Of course, how could I let him hurt my Jasmine," he said playing with the ends of my hair. I bowed to him before walking over to the exit but stopped and turned around to watch him as he walked over to the flowers and touched them softly like he was scared of hurting them.

I walked into the harem where I was immediately attacked by Sunbul agha

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I walked into the harem where I was immediately attacked by Sunbul agha. He seemed stressed a little maybe because of all of the work.

"Where were you?" He asked angrily. He crossed his arms and glared down at me.

"I was with the prince" I answered back innocently. My eyes trailed behind him at the now less crowded harem after the other princes left for their sanjaks with their new concubines and maids.

"That is not true, I went to the prince's room and they said he left" he grit his teeth.

"That's right me and the prince went on a walk around the castle" I shrugged my shoulders.

"We'll see, now go back to your room" he ordered. Hurrem sultan gave strict orders to not let me leave my room because she was scared someone will hurt me if I left and she doesn't want her son to be sad.

I sat down on my couch and looked out the window watching as birds flew by, I felt like a bird ever since I met Cihangir and I felt like we were birds soaring through the sky with our wings open wide. I wouldn't trade a moment with him for anything or anyone. He makes me feel different, something I've never felt before in my life, he makes me feel like I'm the only girl in the world when I'm with him. He's something else, I don't care what the girls say or think he was my prince that I've dreamed of and nothing they say or do can change that.

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