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I couldn't believe how fast time has gone by. It's been two years since Hurrem sultan attacked me and I ended up in the infirmary and since then I've been going every once in a while.

Whenever I suspected that I was pregnant I would go but I've always been met with disappointment with the same answer.

"I'm sorry"

It broke my heart that I couldn't give Cihangir the child he wanted. I could see that he blamed himself but I didn't maybe it wasn't either of us maybe it was Allah who didn't want us to have children yet.

"You look pale, Sirin," Fülane said fixing her hold on her daughter. She was sent to the sultan by Fatma sultan a while back and she gave him a daughter who they named, Hatice after the sultan's deceased sister.

There was also Valeria hatun who was now called Nazenin, she too gave him a daughter who they named Rabia sultan. She was killed a while back by falling off a teras in Manesa while she was visiting with the sultan for the naming of Prince Selim's son from Cecilia or Nurbanu. Not much after her daughter got sick and died mysteriously.

"I'm fine" I shook her off and stood up along with the other maids and walked over to the doors of the harem standing in a line beside them preparing for when Shehzade Selim would come in since he was govern the capital during the campaign.

"MAKE WAY SHEHZADE SELIM HAS ARRIVED" we all bowed as the harem agha yelled so we could all hear.

The prince stopped in the middle and looked up at his mother and sister who were watching him proudly. I closed my eyes as I felt a wave of dizziness hit me like a horse.

I held the maid beside me's arm. She looked at me in confusion before letting out a scream as I fell down to the floor as dark spots swam in my vision.

I was pushed to my back to show the prince looking at me with Afife Kalfa who looked really worried. My eyes rolled to the back of my head before everything became silent.

I opened my eyes to find myself in the place I now hated more than any place in the world, the infirmary.

"Sirin" I looked beside me to see Cihangir sitting down beside me with Hurrem sultan standing behind him

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"Sirin" I looked beside me to see Cihangir sitting down beside me with Hurrem sultan standing behind him.

"What happened?" I asked rubbing my forehead that now hurt from the rough contact is made with the floor.

"What we want finally happened," he said lowly. Hurrem walked out to give privacy as he spoke. I looked at him feeling tears fill my eyes, at this point, I didn't think it was possible for us to get pregnant.

"We're gonna have the child we yearned for," he said just a tear left my eye. He leaned forward and wiped it.

"From now on I want you to rest in your room and never leave it," he said pushing some hair out of my face.

"I'll get bored" I whined playfully making him chuckle and move closer to me bringing up my hands to his lips and placing a soft kiss to the back of them.

"Then maybe I should find you a new language to learn," he said cheekily making me laugh finally at ease.

"In the end, it was like I've told you, it was Allah who wanted to give us time before he blessed us with a child," I said placing my hand on his cheek.

"As always you're right," he said making me laugh again before he leaned down and kissed my lips.

"Should you even be getting out of bed?" Fülane asked as she helped me walk down the harem with one of her arms wrapped around my waist and the other holding my hand.

"Fülane, I'm fine it was just some dizziness that will go away when I take better care of myself" I answered. We stopped at Sunbul agha stopped in front of us with two girls behind him.

"Sultana, hatun," he said giving a slight bow to Fülane and a nod to me.

"Who are these?" Fülane asked nodding at the two maids who bowed when they were noticed.

"These maids were sent to Sirin hatun by her majesty Hurrem sultan to take care of her until she gives birth and assists her with the child" he explained. Fülane rolled her eyes at the mention of Hurrem sultan, she and Hurrem were still enemies despite everyone know the sultan only loves Hurrem.

"My names are Mara and this hatun is called Emine hatun," one of the two maids said. She had brown hair and she was wearing an orange dress.

The second one had even darker hair but still brown

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The second one had even darker hair but still brown. She was looking down at the floor not daring to look up at the floor.

"Sunbul agha" I nodded to the side

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"Sunbul agha" I nodded to the side. He took my arm from Fülane and helped me to the side so we could take freely.

"Are you sure they're loyal?" I asked placing my hand on my stomach. I prayed and begged for this child and I don't want to lose him or her for anyone or anything.

"Do not worry hatun, the valide only chose the best for her grandchild" he said patting my hand. He helped me back over to the girls.

"Take good care of the hatun and help her prepare her things to move to the chamber the prince asked us to prepare for her" he ordered.

Emine walked over to me and took his place. She helped me walk back down the harem where all of the girls were looking at me with jealousy, pregnant with the prince's child.

She sat me down on the couch in my room as she and Mara packed my things. They were treating me like I was made out of glass and that kind of annoyed me but I understood. This was Cihangir's child, he was the favorite son of Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Sultan.

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