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I jumped as I heard squeaking in the room. I placed my hand under my pillow feeling for my dagger that I was gifted from Hurrem Sultan just before she died two years ago. I closed my eyes tightly as slow footsteps stepped closer and closer to the bed.

I raised my dagger against the throat of the intruder as he took ahold of my arm. We were both breathing heavily as we looked at each other, me from fear and him from probably having to climb up to the window.

"Shehzade Beyazid" I whispered in confusion, I haven't seen him in seven years, the seven years I've spent here by myself with only my children and maids for company. He looked down at what I was wearing before averting his eyes away. We let go of each other and he immediately turned his back to me.

I stood up on shaky legs still not over the fear and the shock. I pulled on my silk tying it tightly so it won't open and show something it shouldn't. I pulled a shawl over my head before telling him it was okay to turn back.

"What is going on? You shouldn't be here, the Sultan wants your head" I whisper/shouted. Cihangir loved his brother Beyazid second to his brother Mustafa.

"I came here to rescue you" He answered smiling slightly at me. Rescue me? From who? From what? What is he talking about?

"What?" I asked softly raising my eyebrow. I felt fear creep into me again, were my children in danger?

"Nurbanu is playing with Selim's head and she convinced him that your son is a danger to him like me and my children" He explained. My eyes widened making me slap a hand to my mouth, how could an eleven years old boy be a danger.

"Sultana" The doors burst open and Ayse Kalfa burst through wide-eyed when she saw a figure in the room.

"Shhhh" I shushed her walking over to the door and closed it behind her pulling her into the room.

"What do you suggest we do?" I asked turning to face the prince. He eyes Ayse Kalfa wearily but when I nodded at him he understood we could trust her.

"I will help you and the children escape from here" he answered walking over to the window and pulled up a thick rope that he probably used to climb up here.

"Humasah will stay here," I said shaking my head. Ayse looked at me with a confused look on her face as did Beyazid.

"I don't want her mixed into this, in case we got caught I want at least one of them to survive" I explained. They both nodded in understanding.

"Ayse, you and Emine will be in charge of her" she nodded her head before walking into the extra room quietly. She walked back in after a couple of minutes with a sleepy Ali-Yahya fully dressed and so was Mara.

I walked into the extra room and changed my own clothes before joining them again in the main room after kissing Humasah softly to not wake her up.

Mara was already being helped down by the Shehzade and his men before Ali-Yahya clung to his uncle and he was pulled down.

"Take care of Humasah and tell her I love her so very much," I said to Ayse who nodded her head and pulled me in for a hug. I walked over to the window and climbed out. I held the rope tightly and started climbing down carefully.

Mara and Beyazid helped me down the last bit. I picked up Ali-Yahya and followed after Beyazid's men towards one of the horses they had with them. I placed Ali-Yahya on the horse before getting on behind him. after everyone was on their horses we started riding towards the gates but to our surprise, there were guards at the gates with Shehzade Selim in the lead.

"Go through the forest" One of the guards with us whispered to Beyazid who seemed hesitant but turned around his horse to face me. We nodded before I turned my own horse and we started riding as fast we could back into the garden and towards the forest attached to the garden.

"Do not stop" Beyazid yelled towards me. He was in the lead as we rode. It was way after the sun rose did we stop, we stopped in front of a house with a small farm. An old woman walked out from the house as we got off our horses, I picked up Ali-Yahya and held him close as she walked closer to me.

"Shehzade Beyazid" She bowed in front of him. I relaxed when he smiled at her and patted her shoulder. I walked closer to him loosening my grip on my sleeping son making him snuggle closer to me.

"This here is my late brother Cihangir's favorite and the mother of his two children, Sultana Humasah and Shehzade Ali-Yahya" He explained pointing at me. She bowed to me with a soft smile.

"I want you to protect her and her son with your life, my brother Selim is after the small Shehzade" He finished explaining making her gasp in shock.

"I will serve her with my life," She said bravely pushing away some of her robes to show a dagger in her belt.

"This is Hanim hatun, she used to work in the castle of my brother Shehzade Mustafa and she is loyal to me and my deceased brothers" He turned to me. I sighed in relief and walked over to him balancing Ali-Yahya on one arm and took his hand in the other and kissed the back of it.

"Thank you, your highness, I do not know how to repay you," I said feeling tears of gratefulness. He risked his life to save me and my son from the devil Nurbanu, he was already wanted dead or alive.

"Come on hatun, you must be exhausted," She said kindly. I turned to Beyazid who gave me a soft smile before I followed the woman into her house. She led me into one of the rooms before leaving me to rest. I placed Ali-Yahya on the bed and covered him. I was not stupid Nurbanu would never let this go and she won't rest until she killed my young boy, but I won't let her no matter what.

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