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I stood up as Cihangir walked in while holding Ali-Yahya's hand in one of his and a soft smile on his face but the worry was evident on his face.

"Mommy, uncle Beyazid and daddy helped me ride on my new pony today," Ali-Yahya said running over to me and hugged my legs. I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"That's amazing" I giggled and placed him down so he could go into the extra room where his sister was. I noticed that Cihangir was crouching his back even more and now was shorter than me which could mean only one thing, he's in more pain than usual.

"Sirin" He walked closer to me and placed his hands on my upper arms pulling me closer. He could clearly see the sadness in my eyes and he knew the reason, I didn't want him to leave for the campaign.

"My love" I whispered wrapping my hands around his elbows and helped him sit down on the couch before we held hands.

"Don't look so sad, my love" He raised his hand and placed it on my cheek making me close my eyes tightly trying to hold back my tears and sadness.

"I can't help it, I don't want you to leave me and the children" I muttered opening my eyes and raised my own hand and placed it on his cheek.

"I have to, my brother needs me" He whispered pulling me closer and kissed my lips. We pulled away and leaned our foreheads against each other as a tear left my eye. He raised his thumb and wiped the tear just as small feet paddled over making us pull away as the twins ran in and over to Cihangir.

"Daddy!" Humasah yelled as Cihangir pulled her up on his lap with difficulty considering his worsening situation.

"Look uncle Beyazid gave me this necklace as a present," She said holding the necklace in her small hands and showed it to him. He smiled at her kissing her forehead.

"Let me take them your highness" Emine stepped closer but he raised his hand stopping her, she took a step back and awaited more orders.

"I wish to sleep here tonight with my children and favorite, you can leave" Emine and Mara bowed before leaving the room. Cihangir stood up picking up Humasah and walking over to the bed and laid her down.

"Come on Sirin, let's sleep" I picked up Ali-Yahya and walked over to the bed laying him down beside his sister before laying down on one side and Cihangir laid down on the other.

"Sleep darling" He whispered rubbing Humasah's back as she snuggled closer to him closing her eyes tightly very cutely trying hard to sleep to not disappoint her father making him smile softly.

"Do you think my father will kill my brother?" He whispers/asked looking up from Humasah's angelic face to me.

"No, his majesty is still his father and he won't just spill his own blood" I whispered backing taking his hand that was laying on Ali-Yahya's shoulder and intertwined our hands together.

I took a deep breath as I stood up from the couch. Taking Ali-Yahya's hand in my right and Humasah's in my left we walked out of my room and down the harem ignoring the stares of the harem girls and walked up to the Valide's room where we will say our final goodbyes to Cihangir.

There were only Hurrem Sultan and Mihrimah Sultan in the room. I walked in and bowed to them both before taking my place beside Mihrimah Sultan with Ali-Yahya in between us and Humasah on my other side.

"MAKE WAY, SHEHZADE CIHANGIR HAS ARRIVED" We all bowed as he walked in. He took his mother's hand and kissed it.

"May Allah clear your way," She said patting his hand before she pulled him closer and hugged him tightly. He moved to his sister and pulled her in for a hug before moving on to me. He stopped in front of me and looked at me with an encouraging smile as I took his hand and kissed the back of it before he pulled me closer and hugged me, this was not usual in front of his mother and sister but who cares right now.

"Remember, I love you" I whispered in his ear. I could feel him nod against my shoulder before turning his head to whisper in my ear himself.

"I love you too, my angel, my jasmine" I smiled as he whispered my old nickname 'jasmine'. He pulled away and kneeled down in front of the twins still holding my hand as support.

"We will miss you, daddy," Humasah and Ali-Yahya said like they trained to say it at the same time making me smile since this was not the first time they said something at the same time. They ran into his open arms and hugged him tightly kissing his cheeks and he returned their kisses before pulling away.

He held out his hand for me to take and I helped him up from the floor. He smiled at me pulling up my hand and kissed it before letting go and walking out of the room.

"Daddy" Humasah called making him stop and turn around to face her just as she collided with him and hugged his legs before being joined by Ali-Yahya. They let go and looked up at him as he smiled softly at them before continuing his way down the harem and to the Sultan's room.

"Go rest," Mihrimah said patting my shoulder before walking out of the room with her mother to say their goodbyes to her father. I took both of the twins' hands and walked out of the room and to mine.

I sat on my couch and held the twins close to my heart as they cried. They were not used to their father's departure and neither was I. I swayed from side to side as they cried themselves to sleep. Emine and Mara picked them up and took them to their beds.

It felt like I couldn't breathe, I stood up placing my hand on my chest rubbing it slightly to get rid of the pain. I stood up and walked over to the window and opened it to take some fresh air. I watched as a guard helped Cihangir up on his horse before they all moved out of the garden and towards the war. I closed my eyes and prayed for the safe return of my lover.

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