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I looked up as the doors to my room were pulled open. Fatma Sultan walked in with a grin on her face. I stood up and bowed to her making the two maids in my room step closer to me to help me but stopped when I raised my hand and stopped them.

"Sirin hatun, I came here to check up on you," she said with a huge grin on her face stepping over to the couch I was sat on.

"It seems you are almost done packing" she pointed out looking at the filled boxes with my things and gifts that I received from Cihangir or Hurrem sultan.

She was trying to pull me back into her side so she could have me under her wing. She didn't want any problems with for the sake of her son and grandchild.

"I wish they would let me help them" I answered truthfully looking at the two maids who continued working on packing.

"You shouldn't tire yourself, you're pregnant," she said sitting down on the couch and pointing for me to sit down beside her.

"I'm still at the beginning of my pregnancy, it won't hurt if I helped fold some of the clothes" I poured slightly watching as Emine closed the lid of the last box.

"The beginning of the pregnancy is the most important" she pointed out patting my hand.

"I'll leave you to move your things then" she stood back up

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"I'll leave you to move your things then" she stood back up. I jumped up and bowed to her as she left the room.

"I'll call the aghas to move the things," Mara said walking out of the room.

"Let me help you walk" Emine walked over but I held out my hand to stop her.

"I'm capable of walking on my own," I said walking out of my room as aghas walked in and started picking up boxes and follow me as I walked down the harem. The girls jumped up to watch me leave the particularly hell hole and move to my heaven but I doubt it. I'm pretty sure things will get harder and harder from now on.

I walked in looking around at the room they provided me with. It was beautiful and probably too big for me and a child with a maid but I knew Cihangir just wanted to make me comfortable which was more than heartwarming.

"Are you going to let me help you unpack or are you going to make me sit like a statue again?" I asked turning to look at the girls who were instructing the aghas to put the boxes in the middle of the room.

"Hatun, we're only doing what we were asked," Emine said blushing since she has always been shy.

"I know, but I don't want to be sitting like a statue" I whined turning back around to look at the boxes that were in front of me now.

"What's wrong with sitting like a statue" I whirled around to see Cihangir standing in the doorway. The maids bowed to him before they walked out to give us privacy.

"Cihangir" I bowed to him as he stepped closer to where I stood stopping in front of me.

"I heard you've been giving the poor maids a headache," he said in a scolding voice with a teasing smile on his face.

"I just don't want to sit around as these poor souls do things I am capable of doing myself" I answered back frowning.

"Then imagine that you can't do anything and just relax," he said taking me into his arms. He leaned forward and kissed my frown away making me giggle.

"I can't do that. I'm not used to being treated like an important person" I whined again as he guided me to the couch in my room.

"You are an important person, you're pregnant with a Shehzade's child," he said placing his hand on my stomach. I wasn't showing but I knew that the baby was going to still feel his father.

"I pray for a wise Shehzade like his father," I said placing my hand atop his making him smile.

"I pray for a beautiful sultana like her mother" he answered back turning his hand around to hold mine and pulled it up to his lips to place a small kiss on the back of it.

"Take care of yourself Sirin, we wanted this child so bad I don't want us to lose it," he said pleadingly. The look in his eyes was enough for me to sit like a statue for a hundred years, not nine months.

"I will, my Cihangir" I answered back. He stood up and was about to walk away but I stopped him by calling his name.

"Will you be going to the campaign with his majesty?" I asked wearily. I didn't want him to leave or I would be lonely.

"And risk nor being there for you as you give birth, never" I grinned as he smiled at me before leaving my room. Mara and Emine walked back in and started unpacking.

"His highness seems to really love you" Mara spoke earning a glare from Emine who always wanted to follow the rules.

"Really?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her turning my body to look at her.

"He has that look in his eyes that makes me want to fall in love to be at the receiving end of that look," she said dreamily as she folded a piece of cloth that was a gift from Fatma sultan.

"You should be careful with your feelings or the next thing we know you're in love with Sunbul agha or maybe Seker agha," I said making Emine burst out laughing while Mara made a face of disgust before joining us.

I looked up as the door to my room was pulled open and a harem agha walked in and gave a small bow.

"Her majesty Hurrem sultan sent after you," he said. I stood up and pointed for the girls to continue unpacking and followed the harem agha.

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