Investigation (15)

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Just a real quick thing before this starts. In this chapter she's called Lori. That's what Kaylee calls her. Because of the want to keep Elioirana a secret especially as Tony's daughter- so they refer to her as his sister. Just so you know she's still his kid, sorry this chapter gets a bit confusing.

McGee's P.O.V.
There was someone in Tony's house he either didn't know about or didn't want to talk about. So, the first logical thing to do was look through his file at NCIS. Except... apparently Kate is more observant that I first believed her to be.

"What are you doing McGee?" She asked as I tried to enter the room with all of the files in it.

"Ugh... I- I- I'm, nothing. I'm not doing anything at all."

"You are a terrible liar, McGee." Kate insisted, raising her eyebrows. "What are you doing?"

"Okay, fine." I said as I folded. "4 days ago when I dropped Tony off at his house there was someone there."

"What do ya mean?"

"There was someone in the house. When we got there, I looked through the window and there was this girl there. 15 or so. Who was dancing in his living room. She was spinning. She- she- she- she was... what's the word? Where do you put your hands above your head, and twirl around real fast on one foot?" I tried to demonstrate but my balance leaves much to be desired, and just ended up falling over.


"Yeah that. She did that 4 times, laughed, then walked into the kitchen and out of sight." I explained.

"Okay, and?" Kate pushed.

"And when I asked Tony about it he acted all weird, brushed it off, went inside, and closed the door before I could even look inside."

Kate thought about that for a second. "Okay, and so what are you doing here?"

"Well, I, ugh... wanted to check Tony's file and see if it says anything interesting."

"Okay," Kate agreed.

"Wait what?"

"I'm gonna help you. I've wanted to go through Tony's file for a long time but now I have an excuse to do so." I smirked.

"Alright then, let's see what we can find."

(Full disclaimer, I don't know if any of this information is said in an episode but yeah...)


Height: 6' 2"
Eye colour: Greyish blue
Hair colour: Reddish brown

Next of kin: Lori DiNozzo
NOK phone number: 357- 555- 7304
NOK home number: 483- 555- 2940
NOK address: 1800 Steamer Ln
NOK relation: Younger sister
NOK other: Attends DC School of the Arts- freshman as of 2006 (Goes by Lori DiNi)

Other family: Mother (52), Father (57)
Birthday: April 4th 1972
Country of origin: United States of America

Team: Gibbs
Team members: Jethro Gibbs, Catilin Todd, Timothy McGee, Abigail Schuto, 'Ducky'.

Address: 2217 Joii blvd.
Cell Phone number: 357- 555- 8410

(I know Abbys last name isn't spelt right, but I figured that's how Tony would spell it)

"Okay, so Leah DiNozzo?" I offered.

"Leah DiNozzo," Kate agreed, putting his file back and turning to leave.

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