Super short chapter today because I feel bad for not updating in so long. I'm writing I swear!
Leah's P.O.V.
Dad normally worked late on Wednesday nights. Which means, I get to hang out with Brock, Jack, and Ethan. It was 10 at night, and I was strolling around. Brock and Jack had some kind of church activity on Wednesday nights, I went with them sometimes but not tonight. Ethan did though. However, they did some kind of sports thing and were both really tired, and couldn't join us.
So it was just me, walking around. I actually did need to go to the grocery store, but for now I was just walking around. The way dad and I did the buying of the food was pretty simple actually. I had a debit card that dad would send money to for groceries. Then I would go buy groceries. Simple right?
Anyhoo, I was walking around and turned a corner to see two people standing next to each other on the sidewalk. I recognized one of them as a girl, by her waist long ponytail and obvious heeled boots, but I couldn't make out the other person.
There was a street light close by that let me see that whomever it was, was wearing a black hoodie, black pants, black shoes, all black everything. I got a bit closer, remaining undetected, and the girl was visibly uncomfortable. The one in all black took a step closer to the woman, but the woman took a step backward, away from them.
"Come on baby," The person in black said, taking a step towards the woman. I should help her. I looked a good bit older than I was, so I should be fine.
'Remember your rule 11 Leah.' I told myself. 'Don't lie. And if you have to, make it a good one. SO I walked right up to her.
"There you are Taylor! I've been looking all over for you! Wilbur keeps blowing up my phone, wondering where we are let's go!"
"Oh, hi Amy!" The girl replied, playing along with me. "Sorry, I went out the wrong door."
"Wilbur wants us back at his house, look." I said, showing her my phone. Where I had written 'My name is Leah, do you need help?'.
"Oh crap he's mad at us." 'Taylor' said back.
"Do you wan to reply to him?" I asked, before turning to the person in black. "I'm sorry do I know you? Do you know Taylor? Should I remember you from somewhere?"
"No," They replied shortly.
"Do you know Taylor here from somewhere she's never mentioned you." The girl tapped my shoulder, and handed me my phone back. I glanced at it for just a moment. 'My name is Kaylee, and yes. Please. Quick.' I flipped my phone closed, taking note of her name too.
"No, she- I-" The person in black stuttered. I grabbed Kaylee's hand.
"Come on," I say, starting to lead Kaylee away from the person in black. "Wilbur's waiting for us!" Kaylee and I ran back up the street, and we turned left, before slowed our pace.
We didn't stop walking till we reached a Starbucks. We got in line, before we started talking. "Did you know who he was?" I asked, only a little bit out of breath.
"No," She replied. And I noticed she had a slight French accent. "Thank you for your help."
"Yeah of course," I replied, as the two of us reached the counter. "Go ahead and order something."
"Okay. I'll split the bill with you." Kaylee said, ordering a citrus cold brew.
"Hibiscus, passion lemonade please," I ordered. Kaylee and I split the bill, then left the building. She and I walked around, drinking and talking. About 20 minutes after we left the Starbucks, we started walking to Kaylee's home.
"Thanks again Leah." Kaylee said, hugging me
"Yeah of course. I'm glad I could help you. She and I exchanged numbers before I started walking home. Kaylee and I ended up living about 15 minutes away from each other so it didn't take me too long to get back.
Hope you liked it! This is the story of how Leah and Kaylee met. I promise I'm writing. I'm really trying guys, promise.
Anyhoo, love you!
Hope you're liking the story so far, and hope you like the rest of it!
-Eliza <3

I'm a DiNozzo
FanfictionNCIS Agent Anthony DiNozzo has a secret. He hasn't told anyone. But he has a daughter. Not even his boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs knows. Tony's wife Hope, passed right after his daughter was born. No one knows about that either. Except for one... I do no...