Middle School! And Math Club! (10)

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Her outfit for first day with black flats ^^^
Also, Ellie's a year ahead, so she goes into 6th as 10, but leaves 6th as 11. You feel?

Also, jsyk, Jack gets adopted during 5th grade when he's 11, so...

Ellie's P.O.V.

Middle school.

Middle school.


M i d d l e s c h o o l


Holy crap, middle school guys.

Big leap from Elementary school.

Luckily, Brock, Jack and I are all going to the same middle school. It's actually a secondary school, middle and high school. It's named DCSA. DC School of the Arts.

Here's my 6th grade schedule:

1. Math 1 -Mrs Pace (I know math 1 is a 9th grade course, but please remember that Leah's a math nerd. She earned her way in there.)
2. Science- Mr Lewis
3. ELA- Mrs Browning
4. Social Studies- Mr Wright
Study Hall
6. Orchestra (Cello)- Mr Strider
7. Art wheel- theater, danse, art, physical education/health

My 1st period, and I already needed directions. Great. Hurray. Brock had science, and Jack also had math but typical 6th grade math.

I had taken a test over the summer to decide what math I was going to go into, and it said Math 1, so... yay! Math 1 was typically a high school level math, but I've always been way ahead in math.

I walked into the front office, and there were like 20 people there. I wasn't one to bring attention to myself, or intrude, so I walked back out, just kinda wandering around. A guy with blue hair, a hoodie, and jeans approached me. And seeing the look on my face, talked to me.

"Hello, my name's Ethan Darling. Who are you?"

"I'm Leah, Leah DiNi." I replied, shaking his hand.

"Could I help you find something?"

"I'm looking for Math 1? In the S building? I'm really lost." I explained, hitching my new cyan back pack up on my shoulders a bit more.

"Oh, I'm heading to Math 1 too. Who's you teacher?" Ethan asked, leading me through the cafeteria.

"Uhh... Mrs Pace." I replied, checking my schedule again.

"No way, me too. Looks like we're in the same class Leah." He seemed to be happy about it, and I was too. Because I knew someone in one of my classes. I already had a new friend. Ethan was about 3 inches taller than me, making him around 5' 5".

"This your first year at DCSA?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah it is." I agreed. "Is it that obvious?"

"Just a bit," He replied, giggling. I giggled too. I pushed my glasses up my nose again, as Ethan and I went down a flight of stairs, through a door, and emerged outside. Ethan and I made it to the S building shortly later, making small talk the whole way.

When we entered the S building, we went into the 3rd classroom from the door, where there was a short woman with a blonde ponytail at the entrance. She greeted us, we greeted her, and walked into the classroom.

We were the 6th and 7th people in the classroom.

"Y'all get to chose where you sit, okay." The woman in the doorway explained. She must be Mrs Pace. We nodded, and Ethan took a seat in the far left corner, near the front. I looked around for a second, before Ethan called my name.

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