Worry Dolls (14)

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So, quick little disclaimer before we start. This story's got a bit of stuff that might upset some people in it. Some talk of anxiety, ADD, ADHD, things like that. So, just so you know, there's that. Hope you enjoy!

Ellie's P.O.V.

"Hey Anna?" Brock said a bit nervously behind me.

"Yeah?" I replied, turning to meet his glance.

"Could I talk to you for a minute?" He asked, wringing his hands together.

"Of course!" I agreed, following him as he turned, and walked the other way down the hallway. 

Brock and I walked into the library, and to my 'surprise' no one was there except for the grouchy old librarian who simply walked around hitting kids with a rolled up newspaper if they talked too loud.

"I wanted to give you a present, because I know it's you birthday today and you were upset that your dad didn't wish you a happy birthday before he left because you were awake and in the kitchen and you even made him toast, which he ate and everything. Anyways, I got these for you back when you first told me about your disorders, and since it's your birthday I guess now's as good a time as ever to give them to you."

Brock handed me two little dolls. One red, one blue, connected with a string. (Refer to the picture above) "These are called worry dolls. They're kind of like fidget things. You just kinda play with them, rub them with your thumb, or just hold them whenever you get worried, or your ADD or ADHD things flare up." Brock explained as I took them.

I started passing the blue one between my thumb and fore finger and didn't realize I'd started crying. Brock's hurried apologies and stammering made me realize something was wrong.

"What happened?"

"Oh, Anna, I'm sorry. Did I say something or, did I offend you or-" But I cut him off by wrapping my arms around his neck. "Anna, why are you crying?"

"Brock, I really don't know. I'm sorry. It's just kind of, everything and nothing at the same time. You know? Thank you. I- I love them."

Brock returned my hug. "You're welcome. I'm glad you like them."

Jack's P.O.V. (17)

"Anna, I'm going to be right back okay? Just stay put." I insisted, running of to her bedroom to find the dolls, and leaving Anna laying on the ground. After a few seconds of frantic searching, I found them. The little dolls Brock had given her when she was 14.

I ran back into Anna's living room where she was laying on the ground, babbling to the little porcelain bird on her mantle.

"Anna?" She took an unnecessarily long inhale before replying.


"Here," I handed her the dolls, and she looked at them for a moment with a blank stare before recognizing them.

"Awww, thank you Jack. I love you so much."

"I love you too Anna."

Anna frowned, and kept crying. Anna's panic attacks always freaked me out. When she was having a panic attack, she would cry, babble, arch her shoulders, ask if she was supposed to laugh or not when I nervously chuckled, she would twitch, look around with wide eyes, or have a blank stare, babble, repeat herself, make random comments, ect.

"Anna, I want you to explain something to me, can you do that?"

"Uh huh." Anna agreed, looking over at the bird on the mantle again.

"Can you explain the phrase 'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush' to me?"

"There's a bird up there!" Anna observed, pointing to bird on the mantle.

"That's right! So what does the phrase mean?"

"It means that if you're holding the bird in you hand, then nothing will happen, but if you put it into the bush it'll have a baby, and there'll be two."

I bit my bottom lip and tried not to freak out. But Anna was freaking me out. Currently, she had no filter. If it entered her brain, it came out of her mouth.

But when I handed her the dolls she calmed down. Her breath steadied and she gazed at the old dolls. "Thanks Jack..." She muttered. Raising her head, we made eye contact again. "Hi,"

Ellie's P.O.V. (20)

"I don't know if I'm ready for this." I muttered to myself, pacing back and forth.

"Don't tell me you're getting cold feet lady." A voice challenged.

"What? Who's there?"

"You don't recognize me?" I turned around to see Brock leaning against the opposite wall.


"Hi Anna." He greeted.

"You're gonna make me ruin my makeup." I said annoyed, using my finger to keep tears from running down my face.

"Still a mess huh?"

"Definitely still a mess." I agreed.

"Where are your dolls, doll?"

"Right, here in my pocket." I informed him, pulling the dolls out from my pocket, and showing them to him. 

"You still have them huh?"

"Of course I still have them. I have them even if I don't have my phone I have these dolls. I love them."

"No one's going to judge you if  you take those up with you. Jack especially will get it. And if they do say something, burn them."

I giggled. "Brock, I can't just burn people."

"I could. I'm an angle now, I have al kinds of cool new powers."

"No thank you Brock."

"Eh, offer's still on the table if you want it."


"I saved you a seat."

"I saw. 'Reserved for your best man' huh? Can brides have best men?"

"Yes, of course they can."

"... alright then, I'm honored."

"You ready to go?" Dad asked, appearing in the doorway.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I agreed. I smiled at brock again, took dad's arm, and with my other arm, I had the dolls. Brock had a hand on my shoulder, and I felt him kiss the top of my head before walking in front of dad and I and I watched him walk through the other guests and sit in his chair.

Yes Tony said happy birthday to her, just after school/work.

Also I am not hinting at her being 20 ever again until we get there so hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaHA!

Yeah, hope you liked it! These dolls I actually have in my possession so that's pretty cool.

Hope you guys enjoyed, I'll do another Christmas thing soon.

Happy Holidays everyone! 

Merry Christmas!

There'll be an update before the new year so...

Love you all, stay cranky, bye! WHAT IS UP MY CRANKY CREW?!?!?!


-Eliza <3

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