Ellie's P.O.V.
I woke up to the sounds of my alarm clock. It wasn't a beep beep beep like most were. It was a much more annoying sound in my opinion. It was a scale being played on a cello, but it was extremely out of tune. I quickly got up, crossed the room, and turned it off. It was a trick my dad had taught me. Placing your alarm clock on the opposite side of the room from your bed, forced you to get up to turn off the sound it made. It woke you up... according to my dad. And -like always- he was right.There was a sticky note attached to my bedroom door.
Hey Squirt, I won't be home till late tonight. Abby got a hit this morning, so we'll be working late. No need to wait up for me. But lock the doors, and windows, and draw the curtains. Okay?
Love you -DadI took the note off of my door, and added it to the spike of notes I had received from dad saying he was going to be home late. I walked into the bathroom, and got ready for school.
I showered, brushed my teeth and hair, popped my contact lenses in, then went back into my bedroom. I got dressed -just a pair of jeans, a band t-shirt, and some ankle boots- then went into the kitchen.
I turned on a playlist of instrumental songs from Barbie movies and made some eggs and bacon. I ate, and finished some chem homework before an alarm told me I had 5 minutes before I had to start walking to school. Unlike... everyone I knew, I loved school. I loved learning new things.
I stood up, and walked back into my bedroom. I unplugged my laptop, and put it into its black and white polka dotted case, then slid it into my backpack. I put my current book, and the next one in it's series into my backpack, then went back into the kitchen. I put my chem homework, and pencil case, into their respected places in my backpack, and opened the fridge.
I had some extra pasta when I made dinner last night, and stored it in a plastic container. I placed this container in my lunchbox, then placed an ice pack on top of it. I added some cucumbers, and some cheese, then I zipped my lunchbox, filled up my water bottle, and grabbed my keys.
I swung my backpack over my back, and wore my lunchbox like a purse using the strap attached to it. I put my water bottle in my backpack, my keys around my wrist, and my phone and mp3 player in my pocket. I put my earbuds in, started my mp3 player up again, and turned all of the lights off. I left the house, locking the door behind me, and started to school.
Opening my locker 20 minutes later, I remembered I said I would meet Kaylee in the orchestra classroom before school to work on a piece for our concert. I quickly got my things for chem, English, and orchestra class, then started towards the basement classroom.
"There you are," Kaylee said exasperatedly, rushing over to meet me by the door. "Are you ready to start? We've got about 30 or so minutes." Kaylee was a short French girl, with bushy black hair, and chocolate brown eyes framed by blue glasses.
"Let's go," I agreed. I plopped my backpack and lunchbox down on the ground, and took my school cello off of the rack.
We practiced till the bell rang, then went to chemistry together. Kaylee was raving about the long kiss she and her boyfriend Peter had shared late last night, but I wasn't really paying attention. I was thinking about the brief peck Brock and I had shared after our ice cream date last night. A lot of what Kaylee was describing I could relate to. The fuzzy feeling, the relief, the happiness, the FINALLY feeling... ect.
Three days later -on Monday-, I was shaken awake early in the morning. My dad was sitting next to me on my bed, vigorously shaking my right shoulder.
"Dad?" I asked sleepily. "What is it?"
"Morning Ellie," He greeted me, standing up. "I need you to come with me today, is that alright?" I thought for a second, before sitting up and replying.
"I've got school today."
"Nope, no school today. I need to take you somewhere."
The fact that he wasn't telling me exactly where, scared me a bit. You never really knew with Tony DiNozzo. "I'm not in trouble am I?" I asked, throwing my blanket off of me.
Dad laughed at this. "When was the last time you were in trouble?" He asked, still chuckling. "No, of course not." I got out of bed, turned my alarm off before it played, and looked at the time. 4:48 in the morning. Perfect. I didn't normally get up till around 6 or so, by that time Dad was almost ready to leave, if he wasn't already gone. But today? Nah. We were going to spend the morning together.
To be perfectly honest with myself, I was completely overjoyed at this. I didn't see a lot of my dad over the week, because he worked a lot. But today? We were going to spend the morning together. I know I already said that... but it sounds so good to say! Ooh. I had better let Kaylee know I wasn't going to be at school.
I pulled the charger out of my phone, and texted Kaylee. But before hitting send, a thought struck me. Kaylee would KILL me if I texted her this early, and woke her up. So, I flipped my phone closed, deciding to text her later.
I threw on a simple yellow tunic, some black leggings, and some comfortable shoes. I raced into the bathroom, brushed my teeth hurriedly, put in my contact lenses, and ran my fingers through my red-brownish hair. Eventually I decided to not try and put my shoulder length hair into a braid, and made my way back into my bedroom. I grabbed my phone, and my current book, then made my way into the kitchen, where dad was making toast.
"So, how was work yesterday?" I asked, trying to make small talk.
"Same old, same old," Dad insisted, placing a piece of buttered toast in front of me. "What about school?"
"Aced my algebra test." I replied through my food.
"Congrats, what else?"
We talked the entire way to... wherever we were going. We reached a large building about 20 or so minutes later.
"Where are we?" I asked, unding my seatbelt.
"At NCIS headquarters." Dad replied, opening his door.
"... Are you sure I'm not in trouble?" Dad laughed again, and closed his door.
"Positive, now come on," The NCIS building was huge. Dad -obviously, he worked here for heaven's sake- knew exactly where he was going. He led me to an arrangement of four desks. One in each corner of a large space. There were two T.V.'s on either wall, and an assortment of filing cabinets under one of them. Dad led me to the desk nearest a set of stairs -going up- and told me to sit down.
"I'm going to go see Abby. I know she's here already, and I need to talk to her. The rest of the team will be here in a minute, but wait here for me alright?" I nodded, totally confused. "Thanks kid," He said fondly, kissing the top of my head. He started walking towards the elevator, but I asked a question before he could reach it.
"Why am I here?"
"I'll tell you when I get back okay?" I nodded, feeling reassured.
So yee! There's defiantly going to be a part 2 to this, there has to be.
I'll go ahead and write that now I think.
Thanks for reading!
-Eliza <3
(1376 words)

I'm a DiNozzo
FanfictionNCIS Agent Anthony DiNozzo has a secret. He hasn't told anyone. But he has a daughter. Not even his boss Leroy Jethro Gibbs knows. Tony's wife Hope, passed right after his daughter was born. No one knows about that either. Except for one... I do no...