Cheating Pt. 2 (15)

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Ellie's P.O.V.
I still had to go to school. Sophomore year wasn't going to wait for me to calm down. 

Stupid school.

I walked in, and my first period was honors chemistry. 

Where we worked in groups of three.

And who are my lab partners you ask?

I'll give you one guess.







Yup. Brock and Jack. Brock and Jack are pretty much my only friends aside from Ethan and Kaylee. Both of who I met in 6th grade. I met Brock in kindergarten, then Jack the year after in 1st grade

I didn't want Jack to be in the middle of whatever was going on between Brock and I, so I chose to completely ignore Brock. Jack has to know what happened right?

"Anna, it was an accident." Brock insisted as I took my place on the stool in the middle of our table.

I hummed back a single note in sarcastic belief.

"Anna, come on you have to believe me."

I shrugged in response. Jack walked through the door, not holding his backpack. I was confused for a second before I looked down, realizing it was to my left. Jack took his place on his stool, looking at Brock and I confused.

"Know what we're doing today?" Jack asked, trying to break the tension.

"No idea." Brock and I said at the same time. I shot a look at him, which he returned.

"Okay then," Jack said, facing the desk instead of us.

-20 minutes later-

"Anna, I didn't want to." Brock insisted, pulling on protective gloves.

"Really? Because you seemed to be enjoying it." I countered, pulling up my hair.

"I wasn't! Jack, back me up here."

"Don't drag me into this." Jack pleaded, starting to fill out our lab sheet.

"Brock, really it's fine. I don't care. You can kiss whoever you want. Just don't expect me to be here when they break your heart. You can get with whoever that was, but we're not going to keep calling ourselves a couple if you do."

"You're really mad aren't you?" Brock asked.

I sat up straighter, an incredulous look ok my face. "Did you just ask me if I was mad at you? Of course I'm mad at you! Do you seriously think that-"

"MS DINI, MR RAVENGER. Quiet down, and work." Mr Grimel insisted from the top of the classroom.

I rolled my eyes at him, turning back to Brock. "Of course I'm mad at you. But I'm more just hurt Brock!"

"Okay, that's reasonable, but listen. She kissed me! I didn't kiss her!"

"You didn't pull away. That's the same thing."

"Because I was confused, and uncomfortable!"

"I don't believe you."

Brock sighed in exasperation. "Why not."

"Why not? Why not! Because Brock, your eyes were closed and everything. It was at least 5 seconds."

"She came at me. I had nothing to do with it."

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