Little Soldier Boy, Come Marching Home. (Asking Pt. 3 (21))

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Last night
Ellie's P.O.V.

Jack had served a 2 year mission before serving in the Navy. He had gone to Toronto Canada. But we had gotten all of the times mixed up and the flights were all wrong, everything was just... scuffed. And I wasn't able to meet up with Jack when he got home to be release from his mission call. Then he went and served in the Navy, and got sent to Russia. I haven't seen him in 4 years. We weren't able to facetime because of a lot of reasons. We wrote letters, all the time! But it wasn't the same. I hadn't heard his voice in 4 years.

4 years.

4, very long years.

4, very long, excruciating years.

I missed him! I really really did. But he was on tour for another 4 months. And I've been counting down the days.

I was making dinner one night -spaghetti bolognaise- spinning my fidget ring up and down my finger. The tune bouncing around my head was familiar, and I knew the words, I just didn't like it. So I changed the words.

"And the blood will dry, underneath my nails." I let the sauce simmer, set down the spoon, and danced with the words coming from my mouth. "And the wind will raise up, to fill our sails. So you can doubt, and you can hate. But I know no matter what it takes. I want you home, I want you home. Tell the world I want you home. We'll let the rain, wash away. All the pain of yesterday. You know our kingdom awaits. We'll forgive all our mistakes. I want you home, I want you home. Tell the world I want you.

"Still far away, from where you belong. But it's always darkest before the dawn. So you can doubt, and you can hate! But I know no matter what it takes. I want you home, I want you home. Tell the world I want you home. We'll let the rain, wash away. All the pain of yesterday. You know our kingdom awaits. We'll forgive all our mistakes. I want you home, I want you home. Tell the world I want you.

"I want you home! I want you home, tell the world I want you home. We'll let the rain wash away, all the pain of yesterday. You know our kingdom awaits. We'll forgive all our mistakes. I want you home, I want you home. Tell the world I want you home." I finished with what would've been a quad but half-way through my foot collapsed, and I hit the ground hard.

Pain shot up my knee, but I ignored it, getting to my feet again. A shiver ran up my spine as I went back to the Bolognese. 

Present day
Jack's P.O.V.

Everyone had said I could propose to Anna. Tony, Gibbs, Abby, Hope, everyone. But I wasn't sure I was ready. I had said hello to everyone else including my adoptive parents, who all  had been sworn to secrecy.

I was pacing up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down.

The ring box still in my hand. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Over and over again.

My Navy uniform was pristine, including my hat. Oh dear heavens I hoped it didn't stay that way. I really really hoped that it got all wrinkled and wet. I still didn't know exactly what I wanted to say.

Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. Up and down. (Up and down don't look like words anymore.)

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